David Prowse (den ursprungliga karaktärsaktören för Darth Vader) beskriver detta som en " protector ", vilket innebär att det skyddar sina sårbara delar, som förblir av dem.
KH: Were you able to keep any of the original costume you were outfitted in?
DP: When we were shooting, the costumers couldn’t get any gloves or boots to fit me – nor the codpiece. So I had to personally supply my own gloves, boots, and protector. Those three things I supplied for the Darth Vader costume, and never, ever saw them again.
Citat från " Den fullständiga vaden " har också mycket samma information, återigen hänvisar till den som en codpiece
The pants (with suspenders) go on first, then the shirt and vest. The codpiece is put on next, then the chestplate with straps…. The cape should fall in pleats on either side of the belt buckle, with the light boxes arranged, one on each side of the buckle.”
Liksom Star Wars: Technical Journal of the Imperial Forces, vol. 2
Dukansefråntidigarearmourer(idettafallKingHenryfrån1500-talet)attsyftetmeden codpiece är att accentuera manligheten samt ge ytterligare skydd mot frontalattacker mot groinal regionen.