Story om dödlig gammal stad på Mars


När jag var yngre läste jag en historia i en gammal bok, som jag tycker var om turister som reste till en gammal stad på Mars. Jag tror att en av dem kan ha varit en astronaut, men jag är positiv att inte alla var. Hur som helst när de når staden blir de åtskilda, och minst en av dem dödas av staden. Så småningom inser en av dem faran (jag tror att det var astronauten) och de överlevande kan knappt fly. Jag tror att det var av Ray Bradbury, men jag vet inte några konkreta detaljer, och jag kommer inte ihåg namnet.

EDIT: Det är definitivt inte "The City", av Ray Bradbury, jag är positiv att inte alla på expeditionen var en astronaut. Jag tror att varje turist hade ett visst yrke. Jag tror att en turist var jägare, en annan var en poet, men jag kommer inte ihåg något annat.

uppsättning Hyperdrive enthusiast 15.09.2017 00:03

2 svar


"Den förlorade staden Mars" , en novelette av Ray Bradbury , först publicerad i Playboy , januari 1967 , återtryckt under olika omslag .

. . . Jag tänkte handlade om turister som reste till en gammal stad på Mars. Jag tror att en av dem kan ha varit en astronaut, men jag är positiv att inte alla var. . . . Jag tror att en turist var jägare, en annan var en poet, men jag kommer inte ihåg något annat.

Aaronson ran his finger down the printed guest list.

"An actor, a beautiful woman who happens to be an actress, a hunter, a poet, a poet's wife, a rocket captain, a former technician. All aboard!"

On the afterdeck of the huge craft, Aaronson spread forth his maps.

"Ladies, gentlemen," he said. "This is more than a four-day drinking bout, party, excursion. This is a search!"

He waited for their faces to light properly, and for them to glance from his eyes to the charts, and then said:

"We are seeking the fabled Lost City of Mars, once called Dia-Sao, the City of Doom. Something terrible about it. The inhabitants fled as from a plague. The City left empty. Still empty now, centuries later."

"We," said Captain Wilder, have charted, mapped and cross-indexed every acre of land on Mars in the last fifteen years. You can't mislay a city the size of the one you speak of."

"True," said Aaronson, "you've mapped it from the sky, from the land. But you have not charted it via water, for the canals have been empty until now! So we shall take the new waters that fill this last canal and go where the boats once went in the olden days, and see the very last new things that need to be seen on Mars." The rich man continued: "And somewhere on our traveling, as sure as the breath in our mouths, we shall find the most beautiful, the most fantastic, the most awful city in the history of this old world. And walk in that city and—who knows?—find the reason why the Martians ran screaming away from it, as the legend says, thousands of years ago."

Så småningom inser en av dem faran (jag tror att det var astronauten) och de överlevande kan knappt fly.

Parkhill shouted below. And Wilder was flying up, up along the wall, looking this way and that.

Everywhere, the sky was closing in. The petals were coming down, coming down. There was only a last small patch of stone sky to his right. He blasted for that. And kicking, made it through, flying, as the final flange of steel clipped into place and the City was closed to itself.

He hung for a moment, suspended, and then flew with the woman down along the outer wall to the dock, where Aaronson stood by the yacht staring at the huge shut gates.

"Parkhill," whispered Wilder, looking at the City, the walls, the gates. "You fool. You damned fool."

They waited a moment longer and listened to the City, humming, alive, kept to itself, its great mouth filled with a few bits of warmth, a few lost people somewhere hid away in there. The gates would stay shut now, forever. The City had what it needed to go on a long while.

svaret ges 16.09.2017 07:08

Delar av din beskrivning speglar vagt på "City" (aka "Purpose" ), en kort historia av Ray Bradbury , som ursprungligen publicerades på Startling Stories , juli 1950 (tillgänglig på Internetarkiv ), vilket var svaret på de gamla frågorna Människan snubblar över antika boobys fällor och Kort berättelse om astronauter som besöker en planet för första gången som luktar och smakar dem och Bok eller novell om en tom stad med dödliga fällor .

Vad matchar: Det är en gammal historia av Ray Bradbury om en dödlig gammal stad. En medlem av festen, kaptenen, är skild från de andra; Han är den första som dödades, och hans öde beskrivs i detalj:

A final test. The city, having listened, watched, tasted, felt, weighed, and balanced, must perform a final test.

A trap flung wide in the street. The captain, unseen to the others, running, vanished.

Hung by his feet, a razor drawn across his throat, another down his chest, his carcass instantly emptied of its entrails, exposed upon a table under the street, in a hidden cell, the captain died. Great crystal microscopes stared at the red twines of muscle; bodiless fingers probed the still pulsing heart. The flaps of his sliced skin were pinned to the table while hands shifted parts of his body like a quick and curious player of chess, using the red pawns and the red pieces.

Vad som inte matchar: Allt annat.

1. Staden var inte på Mars, den var på en extra solplan:

The city waited with its windows and its black obsidian walls and its sky towers and its unpennanted turrets, with its untrod streets and its untouched doorknobs, with not a scrap of paper or a fingerprint upon it. The city waited while the planet arced in space, following its orbit about a blue-white sun, and the seasons passed from ice to fire and back to ice and then to green fields and yellow summer meadows.

It was on a summer afternoon in the middle of the twenty-thousandth year that the city ceased waiting.

In the sky a rocket appeared.

2. Utforskningspartiet är nio astronauter, inga turister:

The rocket soared over, turned, came back, and landed in the shale meadow fifty yards from the obsidian wall.

There were booted footsteps in the thin grass and calling voices from men within the rocket to men without.


"All right, men. Careful! Into the city. Jensen, you and Hutchinson patrol ahead. Keep a sharp eye."

3. Det finns inga överlevande. De nio astronauternas död kroppar leder tillbaka till jorden, kontrolleras av utländska maskiner:

The incisions on their necks were invisible, as were their hidden brass hearts and silver organs and the fine golden wire of their nerves. Their was a faint electric hum from their heads.

"On the double!"

Nine men hurried the golden bombs of disease culture into the rocket.

"These are to be dropped on Earth."

"Right, sir!"

The rocket valve slammed.
The rocket jumped into the sky.

As the thunder faded, the city lay upon the summer meadow. Its glass eyes were dulled over. The Ear relaxed, the great nostril vents stopped, the streets no longer weighed or balanced, and the hidden machinery paused in its bath of oil.

In the sky the rocket dwindled.

Slowly, pleasurably, the city enjoyed the luxury of dying.

svaret ges 15.09.2017 07:10
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