In inbördeskrig var var Tony och Steve båda fienderna och när blev de vänner igen [stängd]


I Captain America: Inbördeskrig delas Avengers över

the signing of the Sokovia accords

som gör Avengers delade i 2 lag både ledda av Captain America och Iron Man

Team Captain America

Falcon,Winter Solider,Ant-Man,Scarlet Witch,Hawkeye

Team Iron Man

War Machine, *Black Widow, Vision, Black Panther, Spider-Man

Teamets två grupper har en kamp över

Steve helping the Winter Soldier, leading to several of the anti-registration faction being taken into custody.

Senare som MCU-wiki säger .

Stark finds evidence that Bucky was framed by Zemo, and finds that the rest of Rogers' team have been thrown into prison. Heading there, Stark then knocked out the audio feed and revealed to Wilson that he was trying to help Steve Rogers and learns where Rogers and Bucky are going. He then follows the two to Siberia, and is shadowed by T'Challa. Rogers and Stark reconcile, and as they explore the facility, they discover that the other Winter Soldiers have been murdered by Zemo who had never intended to release them.

Zemo reveals that he is a Sokovian and wants to punish the Avengers for the death of his family during Ultron's attack. Zemo shows Stark a security video from 1991, which reveals Bucky as the assassin who murdered Stark's parents to steal samples of the Super Soldier Serum from their car. Rogers admits that he knew the circumstances of their deaths, and although he didn't know Bucky was behind it he is still siding with his friend. A disillusioned and enraged Stark turns on Bucky, forcing Rogers to fight him to save his friend's life. Bucky loses his robotic arm in the fight, but Rogers disables Stark's armor and departs with Bucky, leaving behind his shield, accepting that he no longer deserves it.

sedan senare efter Stark fixar Rhodos:

Stark receives a package containing a phone and a letter from Rogers. In the letter, Rogers apologizes for everything that happened and for not telling him the truth about his parents, as well as noting his regret that he cannot accept the accords. He gives control of the remaining Avengers to Stark, telling him that he knows the day will come when the team will need to come together and act as one. When that day arrives, Rogers and the others (whom Steve releases from prison) will be just a phone call away. By the time Steve's imprisoned Avengers team are escaped from the Raft by Steve, and Ross calls Stark to get some help from preventing Steve's Avengers from escaping, Tony turned off Ross' call to cover his activities by pretending to be busy on something else, letting Steve and his Avengers team escape successfully.

så jag fortsätter att tänka I inbördeskrig var var Tony och Steve båda fienderna och när blev de vänner igen? varför var de fiender i första hand och gjorde brevet från locket bekräftat att de båda var snygga igen och är vänner igen?

uppsättning Andrew Casali 08.05.2016 10:38

1 svar


Tony och Steve var oense om en lag (och något mer personligt)

Tony och hans allierade ville komma överens om att följa

the Sokovia accords, created in the wake of the destruction wrought by the fight between the Avengers and Ultron in Sokovia.

Kaptenen och hans allierade gjorde inte.

They were afraid that their freedom would be compromised, and of potentially becoming agents of an unjust government, or of being delayed when time might be critical.

Eftersom människors liv var på spel och konsekvenserna kan vara ganska allvarliga om laget fattade fel beslut, ledde detta till en allvarlig splittring mellan Captain America och Iron Man.

Senare förstås de, men

then Zemo reveals that the Winter Soldier killed Tony's parents, leading Tony to try to kill him. Captain America tries to stop him, which leads to a big fight.

När blev de vänner igen?

Jag skulle hävda att, vid slutet av inbördeskriget , är Tony och Steve

not friends

Visserligen har Captain America gjort en mycket uppriktig ursäkt, och Tony hatar honom inte så mycket som han gjorde i värmen för tillfället när

Steve was standing between him and vengeance.

Men lagen som motiverade deras inledande meningsskiljaktighet står fortfarande och Captain America försök att

protect Bucky

vilken Tony tycks se som en svek, kanske inte så lätt ryckas av.

Säkert är Zemo överens med mig och tror i slutändan att hans uppdrag att riva avengersna ifrån varandra inte har misslyckats.

svaret ges 08.05.2016 11:37