Looking för sci fi roman om autonoma bilar som tar över från människor. Tidigt till mitten av 1960-talet


Mänskligheten har massproducerat mycket ostentatiska autonoma bilar som tjänar oss. Bilar rebel och få folk att tjäna dem. Nya bilar är kvadratiska vita lådor. Det var en plats på satir av mänsklighetens lust för stora krombilar, men AI-stycket var förutbestämt. Skriven senast 1967.

uppsättning G Repp 09.04.2018 17:59

2 svar


Detta är Fyra dagars helg av George Henry Smith, publicerad 1966 .

Från baksidan:


It was impossible, of course, because the machines had been ruling everything for 100 years, so what could they revolt against?

They decided people had outlived their usefulness to them, and that genocide of 4 billion people on Planet Earth was the best policy.

And into this incredible situation Charles Henry Hyde was thrust, with a shrew of a wife named Agnes who nagged like it was 1966...

I början av det sista kapitlet möter huvudpersonerna vanliga vita bilar.

The cars waiting for them were unlike any Chuck had ever seen. They were completely white, even to the tread on the tires and they had no chrome on them anywhere.

"These must be the new generation," he said. "The ones they designed to please themselves."

spoiler. Det visar sig att ...

Aliens had reprogrammed the "Omnivac" that was controlling the cars, so the AI element was a red herring.

svaret ges 10.04.2018 16:31

Möjligen barnens nya The Endless Pavement av Jacqueline Jackson?

Historien handlar om bilar som tar över planeten och gör det till en "oändlig trottoar".

Living in a time when people are the servants of automobiles and ruled by the master auto of the planet, Josette longs to leave her rollabout and try her legs.

Tidpunkten är lite senare än vad du noterade. Dvs. 1973. Men det pratar om vita fordon. Eller, mer exakt rött & vit:

In a red-and-white striped Home-a-rolla

svaret ges 10.04.2018 02:04