Var slut på Limitless reshot?


Jag älskar 2011-filmen Limitless. I den sista scenen talar Bradley Cooper och Robert De Niro om att Bradley blir president och hur Bradley har gjort sin intelligens permanent. Vet någon om det var det ursprungliga slutet, eller var det en ny scen baserad på feedback från testgrupper? Det verkade som ett slags "tacked on", både när det gäller storylinen (även om Bradleys presidentsambitioner är förskuggade) och hur det sköts.

uppsättning BrettFromLA 29.12.2014 20:33

1 svar


Tja, det finns en alternativ slut, som finns tillgänglig på DVD-utgåvan.

Från (det finns en video av det alternativa slut på webbplatsen):

In the theatrical version, Eddie has apparently managed to kick the brain-enhancing drug, although we're never entirely sure if he's grandstanding. After Robert De Niro threatens Cooper's new political career, Cooper basically goes full-blown superhero on him and tells him to piss off, because he doesn't need the fancy drug.

In this alternate version, the sentiment is still the same. But we think the underlying message is that Cooper has gone off the rails. Specifically with this line, "Who says I can't ask the drug how to get off the drug... Ask the drug to tell the drug to fuck itself." We know that the director might have been trying to show some sort of self restraint developed over time in Cooper, but honestly we think he's gone off into the deep end. Talk to the pills? No thanks.

Från TVTropes :

However, in the alternate ending of the film, things are less upbeat. In this ending, it turns out Eddie is still on NZT and his stash isn't going to last forever, which makes Carl's ownership of the supply a lot more threatening in the future. It ends with Eddie telling himself he needs to find a way to get off the drug.

svaret ges 29.12.2014 20:44