Ha får Coruscant ren luft?


Det är en enkel fråga. Hela planeten var täckt av staden. Du ser inte så många träd i filmerna. Det betyder inte att det inte finns något självklart, men absolut inget på skalan av Amazonas regnskogar på jorden. Vad andas alla?

Wookiepedia säger bara

Citizens who lived in the upper levels were able to breathe air that was filtered and clean. Sunlight never reached the lower levels which had to be lit by artificial light and the inhabitants were forced to breathe the air of toxic fumes from factory and vehicular waste.

betyder det att det var ett rentluftsverktyg som ledde ren luft (eller atmosfär som passar din biologi) till hem och kontor? Och planetens egen atmosfär är irreparabelt giftigt för människor?

uppsättning Jay 11.01.2016 09:09

2 svar


Den här beskrivs i officiella novellering för Episod 1: Phantom Menace.

The impression was not misleading. The days in which Coruscant could be viewed in any sort of natural state were dead and gone. The capital city had expanded over the centuries, building by building, until it wrapped the entire planet. Forests, mountains, bodies of water, and natural formations had been covered over. The atmosphere was filtered through oxygen regulators and purified by scrubbers, and water was gathered and stored in massive artificial aquifers. Native animals, birds, plants, and fish could be found in the museums or the climate-controlled indoor preserves. As Anakin Skywalker could clearly see from the viewport of Queen Amidala’s slowly descending transport, Coruscant had become a planet of skyscrapers, their gleaming metal towers stretching skyward in a forest of spear points, an army of frozen giants blanketing the horizon in every direction.

svaret ges 11.01.2016 21:10

Jag tror att jag läser i "Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter, om luftskrubbare placerade över hela världen. Det finns också ett stort subterraniskt hav som kanske används för att hjälpa till med luftfiltrering

svaret ges 11.01.2016 20:48