Voldemort insåg faran för att låta Harry läsa sitt sinne - Harry blev alltför mycket information om vad Voldemort gjorde, tänkte och kände i det ögonblicket.
"So tell me, Harry," said Dumbledore. "Your scar...has it been hurting at all?"
Harry raised a hand unconsciously to his forehead and rubbed the lightning-shaped mark. "No," he said, "and I've been wondering about that. I thought it would be burning all the time now Voldemort's getting so powerful again."
He glanced up at Dumbledore and saw that he was wearing a satisfied expression.
"I, on the other hand, thought otherwise," said Dumbledore. "Lord Voldemort has finally realised the dangerous access to his thoughts and feelings you have been enjoying. It appears he is now employing Occlumency against you."
Det här föregår händelserna i OotP, där på grund av det här "läsningsproblemet" kan Harry rädda Arthur Weasley och avslöja Voldemorts mycket uppenbara intresse för Mysteriet.