Är Ultron död i slutet av Avengers 2?


Efter slaget i Sokovia talar Vision och Ultron. Men när de är färdiga skottar Vision Ultron med en blixt av ljus. Men jag tror inte att dödar Ultron. Visionen har också 86% av Ultrons cerebrala matris och basmedvetande i sig själv.

uppsättning Aviontay Dukes 15.03.2016 04:31

1 svar


Det är en komisk film. Med en komisk karaktär. Känd för att inte vara död ofta. Men officiellt ord är ... exakt detsamma. Han är död tills han inte är.

"You know, for me, Ultron is really gone," [Director Josh Whedon] told Mashable during an interview at Disney's Burbank studios. "For me, that's the cut to the gunshot. That's him dead. But, I work at Marvel. So if I happen to see Ultron wandering around in another movie later on, I will be neither surprised nor at all disappointed."

But Ultron doesn't exist just inside a metal body; his programming has infiltrated the Internet itself. He has more than a few escape hatches.

"Ultron's famous for coming back," Whedon said. "I like to put a period at the end of a sentence, [Marvel] likes to add two more. You know, into an ellipse." (Joss Whedon is usually the last person to explain a joke, but we'll grant this.)

As for The Vision himself, Paul Bettany was equally equivocating in his assessment of Ultron's fate.

"One of the great things about the Marvel world is that it sort of doesn't matter," Bettany told Mashable. "They can figure out retroactively — if they want James Spader back, they can figure that out. I loved that last scene. It was really well-written, and we did it in 20 minutes as the sun was going down in a car-park."

Ytterligare mer:

Whedon remains firm that his scene was indeed a killshot for Ultron — and at the same time, hopeful that it wasn't.

"Look, I think James is so phenomenal," he said. "I just have a huge crush on Ultron. And if he showed up in Infinity War, nobody would be more pleased than me."

Whedon styr inte längre Marvels huvudfilmsfranchise, Avengers. Så om Marvel eller Winter Soldier / inbördeskrigets regissörer Joe och Anthony Russo som ska leda infinitetskriget, bringa Ultron tillbaka, ja, det är (komisk), visa biz.

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Kom ihåg, Whedon dödade Agent Coulson i 1st Avengers-filmen och är död så långt som filmerna berör. Det finns motstridiga uppgifter om hans status i SHIELDs TV Show Agents, där han inte längre är död . Ultron är också rättvist spel.

svaret ges 15.03.2016 04:57