Vad experiment körde de på sanden?


I Spider-Man 3 ser vi Sandman förvandlas till sand och han lyckas sedan rekonstruera sig. Detta beror på att en del galna forskare körde ett experiment som han fick mitt i.

Vad var de för? Vilka resultat förväntades de bilda en hög med sand?

uppsättning AncientSwordRage 10.09.2012 23:08

2 svar


Filmens officiella novellering indikerar att planen var att använda en partikelaccelerator för att skapa ett sätt att hög energi fält, belyser sanden och orsakar dess interatomiska bindningar att bryta ner. De skulle sedan använda en mängd olika sensorer för att övervaka vad som hände.

Forskarens mål verkar ha varit att skapa en energistråle som kan total demolekularisering '. De teorisera att även om de får veta att de bedriver ren forskning, så kommer strålen att bli vapen.

“Well, of…” Donnie looked surprised and pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. “Of course it matters. I mean… total demolecularization… it’s…”
“They’ll weaponize it,” Michel said sourly. “Just you wait.”
“They keep saying it’s going to be just for molecular research,” Donnie protested, but he didn’t sound entirely convinced.
“They can keep saying a Big Mac is filet mignon, but it’s still gonna taste like a Big Mac,” a fourth scientist, Sean O’Shea, commented. He was walking into the lab and heard the tail end of the conversation. Tall and lean, he filled the room with his presence and said with quiet authority, “Gentlemen, ours is not to question why, and so forth and so on, you know the drill. Let’s get our baby up and running, shall we?”
He always referred to the project as “our baby.” Chafin suspected it was because he was more comfortable calling it that than “our future weapon of mass destruction.”

Kislet verkar ha varit avsedd som testmaterial för att avgöra om strålen och fältet utförde sig korrekt.

Knowing that the sign screamed DANGER! high energy particle physics test site! keep OUT! would not likely have made him feel any better.
Inside the research facility, the technicians studied the arrays on their computer screens. “Capacitators charged,” Ashley Michel said, satisfied at the results she was getting.
“Right,” said Chafin, confirming it. Then he saw something that didn’t look quite right, and he leaned toward Blaswell. “Donnie, got a little fluctuation on one.”
Adding his own concerns, O’Shea said, “There’s a change in the silicon mass.” Donnie considered the possibilities and reasonably concluded, “Probably a bird.” It made sense. Stupid birds saw the pile of sand at the base of the particle accelerator gun and didn’t know it was there to measure molecular bonding. They thought it was someplace convenient to build a nest and lay their eggs. “It’ll fly away when we fire it up.”

svaret ges 12.06.2016 20:21

Eftersom inget svar från Thaddeus hittills kommer jag att ta en stab ...

I den ursprungliga seriens kontinuitet kom han faktiskt inte in i experimentet för att göra sand:

Immediately, William flees to a nuclear testing site on a beach near Savannah, Georgia where he comes into contact with sand that had been irradiated by an experimental reactor. His body and the radioactive sand bond, which changes Marko's molecular structure into sand. Impressed, he names himself the Sandman after his new powers.

Sanden är bara där som agent.

I Ultimate Marvel Universe ,

Flint Marko is a genetic mutation by industrialist Justin Hammer who attempts to recreate the Super Soldier Serum.

I tv-serien "The Spectacular Spider-Man":

Big Man uses Marko as a guinea pig in Oscorp's underground experiments meant to give Marko a super silicon armor, but the experiment goes awry and transforms him into the Sandman

I filmen verkar det också som Wiki säger att molekylerna i hans kropp smälts med sand, så det förklarar inte exakt vad experimentet var. Men det finns ingen referens och jag kunde inte hitta något mer eller mindre officiellt filmskript.

svaret ges 11.09.2012 00:01