How kan Voldemort lita på Snape efter händelserna i den första boken? [duplicera]


I Sorcerer Stone spelade Snape med Quirrell dubbelagent jobbet. Han övertalade honom för att ta reda på hur man får stenen.

"Have you found out how to get past that beast of Hagrid's yet?"
"B-b-but Severus, I --"
"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell," said Snape, taking a step toward him.
Harry-Potter-and-the-Philosopher's-Stone, CHAPTER THIRTEEN

Men i Quidditch matchen Snape

saved Harry and Quirrel knew that.

Senare diskuterade Harry med Quirrel:

"But Snape tried to kill me!"
"No, no, no. I tried to kill you. Your friend Miss Granger accidentally knocked me over as she rushed to set fire to Snape at that Quidditch match. She broke my eye contact with you. Another few seconds and I'd have got you off that broom. I'd have managed it before then if Snape hadn't been muttering a countercurse, trying to save you."
"Snape was trying to save me?"
"Of course," said Quirrell coolly. (...)
Harry-Potter-and-the-Philosopher's-Stone, CHAPTER SEVENTEEN

Hur är det så, att Voldemort betrodda Snape senare så mycket? Och att ingen tog upp det här. (Jag vet, det kan vara ute av skärmen, men Snapes position verkar ganska stark)

uppsättning TGar 13.06.2017 12:00

3 svar


Alla förklaras i Halvblodsprinsen (betona min).

“Why did you stay there all that time, Snape? Still spying on Dumbledore for a master you believed dead?”

“Hardly,” said Snape, “although the Dark Lord is pleased that I never deserted my post: I had sixteen years of information on Dumbledore to give him when he returned, a rather more useful welcome-back present than endless reminiscences of how unpleasant Azkaban is…”


“But you didn’t return when he came back, you didn’t fly back to him at once when you felt the Dark Mark burn—”

“Correct. I returned two hours later. I returned on Dumbledore’s orders.”

“On Dumbledore’s—?” she began, in tones of outrage.

“Think!” said Snape, impatient again. “Think! By waiting two hours, just two hours, I ensured that I could remain at Hogwarts as a spy! By allowing Dumbledore to think that I was only returning to the Dark Lord’s side because I was ordered to, I have been able to pass information on Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix ever since! Consider, Bellatrix: The Dark Mark had been growing stronger for months. I knew he must be about to return, all the Death Eaters knew! I had plenty of time to think about what I wanted to do, to plan my next move, to escape like Karkaroff, didn’t I?

“The Dark Lord’s initial displeasure at my lateness vanished entirely, I assure you, when I explained that I remained faithful, although Dumbledore thought I was his man. Yes, the Dark Lord thought that I had left him forever, but he was wrong.”

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Chapter Two, Spinner's End

Så i grund och botten en kombination av faktorer:

  • Snape förklarade för Voldemort att han var någonsin trogen mot honom
  • Snape hade 16 års information om Dumbledore att ge till Voldemort
  • Snape hade också information om ordern att ge till Voldemort
  • Snape kan fortfarande förbli som Hogwarts som en spion (vilket också betyder mer information), eftersom han inte omedelbart var uppenbar för Voldemort när Dark Mark brände

Varför förlitar Voldemort fortfarande Snape om han misslyckades med att döda Harry?

“If I had murdered Harry Potter, the Dark Lord could not have used his blood to regenerate, making him invincible—”


“Indeed, many of the Dark Lords old followers thought Potter might be a standard around which we could all rally once more. I was curious, I admit it, and not at all inclined to murder him the moment he set foot in the castle.

svaret ges 13.06.2017 12:07

Anledningen till detta nämns uttryckligen i HBP om varför han stod mellan Quirrell och stenen.

“I think you next wanted to know,” he pressed on, a little more loudly, for Bellatrix showed every sign of interrupting, “why I stood between the Dark Lord and the Philosopher's Stone. That is easily answered. He did not know whether he could trust me. He thought, like you, that I had turned from faithful Death Eater to Dumbledore’s stooge. He was in a pitiable condition, very weak, sharing the body of a mediocre wizard. He did not dare reveal himself to a former ally if that ally might turn him over to Dumbledore or the Ministry. I deeply regret that he did not trust me. He would have returned to power three years sooner. As it was, I saw only greedy and unworthy Quirrell attempting to steal the stone and, I admit, I did all I could to thwart him.”
(Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 2, Spinner's End).

svaret ges 13.06.2017 17:04

"I saw you and Snape in the Forest –" he blurted out.
"Yes," said Quirrell idly, walking around the Mirror to look at the back. "He was on to me by that time, trying to find out how far I'd got. He suspected me all along. Tried to frighten me – as though he could, when I had Lord Voldemort on my side ..."

Det är inte helt säkert om Snape misstänkt Quirrell att äga . Voldemort kanske inte har förväntat Snape att veta, heller.

Så medan Snape räddade Harry och Voldemort visste att han gjorde det, kunde Voldemort ha antagit att han gjorde det så att han inte visste att Quirrell försökte döda Harry på Voldemorts direktorder.
Med tanke på att Harrys långvariga existens gjorde det möjligt för Voldemort att återvända till köttet mer kraftfullt än tidigare, kanske han inte hade tänkt Snape att hålla pojken till liv förrän då.

svaret ges 13.06.2017 13:17