Original Cooties slutar


Cooties , en skräck / komedi film släpptes båda i teatrar (mycket begränsat) och pay-per-view denna förra helgen (18 september). Det producerades av Glacier Films och SpectreVision, ett produktionsbolag med fokus på skräckfilmgenren medgrundad av Elijah Wood, som också stjärnor i filmen.

Utan att gå i detalj, handlar filmen om ett gäng fjärde graders (dvs. 9 och 10-åringar) som får en mycket smittsam virus med ursprung i en infekterad kycklingsnugg. De blir zombies och dödar flera av sina lärare såväl som varandra. Under tiden dödar lärare barn. Massor av dismemberments, ansikte äta, disembowelments, synliga hjärnor och andra bra kul. (Filmen filmades 2013 och är rankad R, vilket innebär att barnen teoretiskt inte kommer att kunna se det fram till 2020 när de är 17. Men jag är säker på att många har sett det redan eller kommer snart.)

Cooties premiärde på Sundance Film Festival 2014 och hämtades av Lionsgate. Lionsgate bestämde sig för att återuppta slutet , med tanke på deras ytterligare ekonomiska resurser.

Eftersom den nya änden inte såg allt som var dyr att filma, vet någon vad den ursprungliga änden var, som screenad på Sundance? Jag kan inte hitta något annat än "de filmade en ny avslutning".

uppsättning tcrosley 22.09.2015 00:57

1 svar


Wikipedia presenterade båda slutet. Som du bekräftade att teatern slutade med Wade, som går som:

After killing a stowaway Patriot by crushing him against a tree, the group arrive in the nearby town of Danville, only to discover it has been similarly overrun by the infected children. The group realizes that the infection has spread across the United States, with schools burning to the ground and reports of violence and destruction caused by children, and they are attacked by a horde of infected children. They barricade themselves inside a funhouse and manage to retrieve a chicken nugget contaminated with the virus, which Doug will use to possibly make a vaccination for the virus, but discover that the infected children, including Shelly, are inside the funhouse. However, Wade and Mr. Hatachi arrive and rescue the group, setting the infected children on fire with gasoline. They then escape in crossing guard Rick's (Jorge Garcia) van, driving out of the town to "someplace kids don't wanna go". They are briefly pursued by a flaming Shelly, but she falls down and burns to death.

Alternativ avslutning eller originaländningen är:

After killing Patriot, they realize they are out of gas. They venture on foot and eventually find a deserted campsite. They enjoy themselves. Clint throws his novel in the fire and tells Lucy that he is not a writer and says he is actually a teacher, living in Fort. Chicken. Clint has a strong feeling of dread and tells the others to join him. They find the leader's dead body, and the other infected children find them. Then you see infected Boy Scouts, led by Shelly, looking even worse than ever; her eyes are hollow black with more blisters. It's unknown what happened to everyone after the encounter.

Carnival music begins playing as three managers from an amusement park, a theater and a family fun center, respectively, get the chicken nugget boxes out of a truck carrying them. Because this ending was never shown, it is possible that the nuggets were also infected with the virus and is responsible for the outbreak.

svaret ges 04.06.2016 15:07