Identifiera en animerad TV-serie som var kopia av Harry Potter


När jag brukade titta på en animerad TV-serie på Hungama TV (Indien) som nästan var en kopia av Harry Potter. Medan det var på indisk kanal kan jag säga av tecknadssensor att det varken var indiskt eller japanskt. Det var en västerländsk tecknad utan tvekan. Utställningsdatum för utställningen ska ligga mellan 1997 (Harry Potter Book Release) och 2002 (Harry Potter Film Release i Indien), för när jag tittade på den första Harry Potter-filmen blev jag förvånad över likheten (boken läste inte av mig, ändå).

Här är detaljerna jag minns om det:

  • Det var en magisk skola.

  • Huvudpersonerna var två pojkar och en tjej. Jag kan inte komma ihåg deras namn.

  • Flickan var smart och jag kommer ihåg att hon använde sin trollduk för att klä upp sig.

  • I stället för bromsar fanns det segways (utan hjul) som de förmodligen kallade skoter. De brukade bära skotrar i liten storlek i fickan. För att förstora det brukade de använda sina wands.

  • Det var en bok med vilken de hoppade till ett nytt äventyr i varje avsnitt. Man behövde bara öppna en sida av boken och det skulle suga upp alla. Boken skulle då visas till destinationen och kasta alla ut.

uppsättning S S 28.01.2015 13:41

1 svar


Spellbokens ultimata bok


Cassandra/Cassy: The leader of the trio. She has a soft spot for animals and flowers but can become angry when taunted and when someone insults her family. Her ambition is to become a sorceress, as sorceresses are far superior to witches. She also wishes to become a trained healer, because she thinks it to be very rewarding. It is revealed in "Three is a Charm" that she is the great-granddaughter of the great wizard who defeated and banished Zarlack. She is also a master pilot of the "Scoot Zoomer", the means of transport for many students. Cassy's family symbol is a purple diamond which is also the colour that her family members frequently wear.

Gus: He is half Elf and half Wizard. He is quite confident and sometimes acts childishly. He at first looks down on Verne due to his "mortie" status, but Verne manages to redeem himself by saving Gus's life. It is revealed in "Magical Quest" that he is related to a werewolf. Because he is half elf he is attracted to anything shiny, and when he sees something shiny, he says "Ohhhh sparklies". This usually makes Verne have to pull on his hood to keep him out of trouble. He has the ability to imitate voices without the assistance of magic. Gus's family symbol is a green star which is displayed on his shirt.

Verne: He is a mortal (also known as mortie), but he displays magical powers and can naturally mend electronic devices. Because of his mortal status, he is called a "mortie". At some points he is quite cowardly and is surprised by almost anything that involves magic. He is quite skilled at Techno Magic which is good for putting ordinary electronics and/or mechanical devices together to make useful gadgets. At times, he will mess up a spell that does not involve Techno Magic, often with embarrassing results. However, his magic sometimes proves greater than his friends. He came to the school on a scholarship, initially repulsed by the idea of magic and wanting to do nothing with it. He shares a room with Gus. It is later discovered that he is a descendant of the great wizard Merlin because they have the same face and Verne's middle name is Ambrosius which is also Merlin's last name. Verne is given the symbol of three wands united by Cassy later on in the series

UBOS: an elderly looking book that has the power to teleport the three to the centre of the world where they must stop Zarlak. At some points he tends to be quite grumpy (mostly when Cassy stuffs him in her backpack) and hits the three on the head when he's scolding them. It is revealed throughout the series that he is Cassy's great-grandfather. UBOS is also the title character of the series.

Dettäckerdensmartatjejenochtvåkillar,deflygandeskotrarnaochbokensomtransporterardem,ochtidsramenärrätt.Ochja, Ungama hade det på deras uppställning .

svaret ges 28.01.2015 14:14