Vad hände med Darth Maul?


I Clone Wars TV-showen avslöjs det att:

Darth Maul survived his bifurcation at the hands of Obi-wan and managed to escape Naboo. Years later, during the Clone Wars, he resurfaces with robot legs. With the help of his brother he gains control of Mandalore. Then Palpatine arrives, kills his brother and forcibly returns Darth Maul to his service.

Vad händer nu? Finns det någon non-Legends-kanon som indikerar vad som händer med Darth Maul efter klonkrigen?

uppsättning numaroth 25.11.2014 17:15

2 svar


Ja, ja typ av. Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir anses vara helt kanon. Det förklarar händelserna som löper genom slutet av klonkrigen, men det finns inget som än beskriver vad som händer efter klonkrigen.

Per Wookieepedia:

Son of Dathomir is an adaptation of unproduced scripts from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which would have been part of the television show's sixth season had the series not been cancelled in 2013. Although thirteen episodes from the sixth season were released as "The Lost Missions" on March 7, 2014, the episodes that Son of Dathomir were based on were not completed and therefore not released as actual episodes. The story is part of The Clone Wars Legacy line.

De ger en allmän synopsis:

The series is set during the Clone Wars, and is a continuation of Darth Maul's story from the show. The rogue Sith Lord, who was revealed to have survived the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace in the episode "Witches of the Mist," has been captured by his former master, Darth Sidious, following the events of the episode "The Lawless." Sidious uses Maul in an attempt to draw Mother Talzin, Maul's mother and the leader of the Nightsisters, out of hiding so she can be destroyed, as Sidious considers her a potential threat to the eventual Sith domination of the galaxy. Maul confronts the Confederacy of Independent Systems and captures Count Dooku and General Grievous in pursuit of vengeance against his old master, while the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order become involved in the hopes that they can defeat Maul, Dooku, and Grievous—and, in doing so, end the Clone Wars.

svaret ges 25.11.2014 17:28

Vi vet nu en anständig mängd om Mauls verksamhet mot slutet av Clone Wars, och bortom:

  • Som fantom42 anteckningar i hans svar , kanonserie serier Darth Maul: Son av Dathomir ser Maul fly från Sidious 'vårdnad (där vi senast såg honom i The Clone Wars show), fånga Dooku och Grievous och föra dem till Dathomir i ett försök att locka ut och döda Sidious. Detta (oundvikligen) misslyckas, och Maul flyr med vad som återstår av hans lojala Death Watch

  • Nästa gång vi ser honom, har Ahsoka spårat honom till Mandalore. Hon tar några kloner för att jaga honom, men operationen avbryts av Order 66; Maul släpper därefter:

    She should have been at the Temple. She should have been with Anakin. She should have helped. Instead, she'd been on Mandalore, almost entirely alone, surrounded by clones and confusion and blaster fire. Maul had escaped, of course. She'd had the opportunity to kill him, but had chosen to save Rex instead. She didn’t regret that, couldn’t regret it, but the mischief and worse that Maul might wreak in a galaxy with no Jedi to protect it gnawed at her.


  • Vid en tidpunkt fick han uppenbarligen sig på Fars radar, eftersom inkvisitorn kallad åttonde bror var skickat av honom för att ta ut honom:

    Dispatched by Darth Vader, he was sent to Malachor to attempt to find and capture Maul

  • Som avslöjs i avsnittet "Emilie av lärlingen" Rebels lyckades han på något sätt komma till Malachor; Han hävdar att hans skepp kraschade och strängde honom där:

    Ezra: You live here? Alone in the dark?

    Maul: Not by choice. My ship crashed; I'm trapped, marooned, I've had to scrounge and scrape to survive.

    Star Wars: Rebels Season 2 Episode 20: "Twilight of the Apprentice Part 1"

    Men med tanke på sitt slutmål verkar det i bästa fall en halv sanning:

    Maul: [Ezra] is activating the temple; or, more precisely, this battlestation, which I shall use to exact my revenge on all my enemies!

    Star Wars: Rebels Season 2 Episode 21: "Twilight of the Apprentice Part 2"

    Han flyr i slutet av episoden.

  • Under de två episoderna av Rebels tredje säsongen, "Heliga ödemarker" och "Visioner och röster" lär Maul att hans hatade fiende Obi- Wan Kenobi överlevde Order 66 och gömmer sig på en ökenplan med två solar .

  • Detta kommer till ett huvud i säsongen 3 avsnittet "Twin Suns", där Maul spårar Obi-Wan ner på Tatooine.

    They duel, and Maul is killed

svaret ges 31.03.2016 19:53