Origin av "Cities of the Red Night"


Vet någon källan till namnen Burroughs använder i böckerna "Cities of the Red Night"? Skrivte han om det något av hans andra jobb?

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Städerna är: Tamaghis, Ba'dan, Yass-Waddah, Waghdas, Naufana och Ghadis.

Ett tecken i boken säger att om du säger namnen innan du lägger dig får du en dröm om städerna.

uppsättning SteveED 02.03.2012 04:55

1 svar


Från Muqaddimah of Ibn Khalud :

In the Ghayah and other books by practitioners of magic, reference is made to words that should be mentioned on falling asleep so as to cause the dream vision to be about the things one desires. These words are called by (the magicians) "dream words" (al-halumah). In the Ghayah, Maslamah mentioned a dream word that he called "the dream word of the perfect nature." It consists of saying, upon falling asleep and after obtaining freedom of the inner senses and finding one's way clear (for supernatural perception), the following non-Arabic words: tamaghis ba'dan yaswadda waghads nawfana ghadis. The person should then mention what he wants, and the thing he asks for will be shown to him in his sleep.

Det finns i sjätte diskussionen om det första kapitlet . Fotnoter i boken berätta mer :

These magical words seem to be Aramaic and may have sounded something like this: Tmaggesh b'eddan swadh (?) waghdhash nawmtha ghadhesh, "You say your incantations at the time of conversation (?), and the accident of sleep happens."

Google Böcker har utdrag ur en litterär analys, Mosaic of Juxtaposition: William S. Burroughs 'Narrative Strategy , det kan innehålla mer information, men jag vet inte.

svaret ges 22.02.2013 12:13