Vad hände med Muradin i Rhuidean?


I The Shadow Rising , när Rand först ser Muradin, var båda i ter 'angreal hos Rhuidean. Och senare, före Rands sista vision, ser han att Muradin redan hade rivit ögonen på grund av vad han såg in där.

Muradin had managed to veil himself; bloody sockets stared blindly above the black veil. The Aiel was chewing, and bloody froth dripped onto his chest. Forward.

The Wheel of Time, The Shadow Rising

There was no sign of Muradin; he did not think the Aiel had come out of the glass forest.

Så är han troligen död. Rand blev dock inte arg och försökte gunga ut sina ögon som Muradin.

Min fråga är: Är det förklarat vad som hände med Muradin där inne och varför han dödade sig medan Rand inte gjorde det?

uppsättning Mat Cauthon 04.09.2018 09:58

1 svar


Muradin ser Aiels historia

Ter'angreal i Rhuidean används för att "testa" potentiella klanledare (och Wise Ones iirc), de som gör det genom kolumnerna lär Aiels historia tillbaka till världens brott.

Muradin har redan gått in i ter'angrealens kolumner när Rand anländer till Rhuidean med Matt

Ahead and to the right he could just see another man, in the grays and browns of Aiel, stiff and statuestill in the changing lights. That must be Muradin, Couladin's brother. Stiff and still; something was happening. Strangely, considering the brilliance, Rand could make out the Aiel's face clearly. Eyes wide and staring, face tight, mouth quivering on the brink of a snarl. Whatever he was seeing, he did not like it. But Muradin had survived that far, at least. If he could do it, Rand could. The man was six or seven paces ahead of him at best.

The Wheel of Time, The Shadow Rising

Vi ser att Muradin redan har svårt att acceptera vad som visas för honom. Som Rand vågar djupare med varje steg i ter-angrealt lär vi oss Aiels historia, något som det verkar som Muradin inte kan acceptera.

He was farther into the columns than a single step could account for, and closer to Muradin than he had been. The Aiel's fixed stare had become a dire frown.

The Wheel of Time, The Shadow Rising

Varje steg i ter'angreal tar en längre tid tillbaka, och varje gång Muradin är mer angripen över vad han ser.

He had seen — lived — a time before the Aiel came to their Threefold Land. He was nearer still to Muradin. The Aiel's eyes shifted uneasily, and he seemed to struggle against taking another step. Rand moved forward.

The Wheel of Time, The Shadow Rising

Ett steg framåt

Lights flashed through the glass columns, halfblinding Rand. Muradin was only a pace or two ahead, staring straight in front of him, teeth bared, snarling silently. The columns were taking them back, into the time lost history of the Aiel. Rand's feet moved of their own accord. Forward. And back in time.

The Wheel of Time, The Shadow Rising

Rand går djupare in i glasskogen

He was almost abreast of Muradin now, but the man was not aware of him. Muradin's snarl was a rictus; sweat beaded on his face; he quivered as though wanting to run. Rand's feet took him forward, and back.

The Wheel of Time, The Shadow Rising

Och djupare igen

Tears stung Rand's eyes; silently, he mouthed, “Siedre.” The Way of the Leaf? That was no Aiel belief. He could not think dearly; he could hardly think at all. The lights spun faster and faster. Beside him, Muradin's mouth was open in a soundless howl; the Aiel's eyes bulged as if witnessing the death of everything. They stepped forward together.

The Wheel of Time, The Shadow Rising

Rand kämpar nu för att förstå vad han ser, och han har inte levt som Aiel, för en krigare som Muradin uppvuxen som krigare i det nuvarande Aiel samhället, alltid redo att slåss, det måste ha varit jämnt svårare att förstå eller acceptera.

Rand går framåt

No sense. It made no sense. How could these people be Aiel? The columns flashed in blinding pulses. The air stirred, swirling. Beside him, Muradin's mouth stretched wide in an effort to scream. The Aiel clawed at his veil, clawed at his face, leaving deep bloody scratches. Forward.

The Wheel of Time, The Shadow Rising

Ett annat steg framåt för Rand och en annan vision av det förflutna

Muradin had clawed deep furrows in his face; he was digging at his eyes now. Forward.

The Wheel of Time, The Shadow Rising

Den sista tiden som Rand ser Muradin

Rand quivered. The light from the columns was a shimmering blue haze that seemed solid, that seemed to claw the nerves out of his skin. The wind howled, one vast whirlwind sucking inward. Muradin had managed to veil himself; bloody sockets stared blindly above the black veil. The Aiel was chewing, and bloody froth dripped onto his chest. Forward.

The Wheel of Time, The Shadow Rising

Jag har inte utdragit citat från vad Rand möter, passagerna är ganska långa och jag känner att de borde läsas i sin helhet, men Rand återfår Breaking of the World och en gång något före det innan vi gick ut från ter'angreal. På så sätt känner han att det är mycket osannolikt att Muradin någonsin kommer att slutföra passagen genom ter'angreal, för att Muradin inte med all sannolikhet kan acceptera att Aiel ursprungligen var pacifister och hade brutit sig från Tinkers eller Tuatha'an som följde Leafens sätt .

There was no sign of Muradin; he did not think the Aiel had come out of the glass forest. Or ever would.

The Wheel of Time, The Shadow Rising

svaret ges 05.09.2018 10:49