Kan jag få ett Euro Rail Pass i Frankrike med tanke på att jag inte har ansökt om det i mitt hemland, dvs Indien?
Ja, men du kan ha mindre alternativ och betala mer:
Visit a Eurail Aid Office if you need help with your Eurail Pass, or if you arrive in Europe without having purchased a pass. Eurail Aid Offices are almost always located within large train stations; consult the list at //www.eurail.com/eurail-aid-offices to find one in your country of origin or destination.
If you cannot find a Eurail Aid Office in your country, Eurail recommends asking for help at the international ticket window in a large train station.
The only Eurail passes available for purchase in Europe are: single-country passes to Romania, Portugal, Norway, Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Greece and Croatia; multiple-country passes for Hungary-Romania, Greece-Italy, Austria-Hungary, Croatia-Slovenia-Hungary or Austria-Croatia-Slovenia; Eurail Select Passes, and the Eurail Global Pass.
Eurail.com har en lista med kontor där du kan köp passet men de säger:
Online Eurail.Com prices are on average 20% lower than the prices charged at European train stations. Not all Eurail passes are for sale in Europe.
Från min erfarenhet kan du. Jag är från Nya Zeeland och köpte mitt 10-dagars Eurail-pass i Luxemburg förra året. Jag använde den i Luxemburg, Tyskland och Polen, men kunde ha använt den i något av de andra Eurail-zonländerna.
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