Which Sci-Fi-arbete introducerade idén om "FTL Travel"?


Snabbare än ljus resor (slår ultimat hastighetsgräns för naturen) är vanligt för Sci-Fi, särskilt Space Opera. Andra namn kan vara warping etc.

Vilket Sci-Fi-arbete introducerade denna idé?

Obs! Det är möjligt att grekerna jobbade ens på detta. Religiösa texter kan också nämna det. Men sådan superljusresor har knappt någon betydelse i samband med frågan, eftersom den slutliga hastighetsgränsen inte teoretiserades förrän 1905 (när Einsteins speciella relativitetsteori släpptes, även om några decennier gamla elektromagnetismsteorier förutsåg hastighetsgränsen på grund av att stående EM vågproblem, det var långt ifrån acceptans). Så, endast efter 1905 Sci-Fi-verk skulle vara giltigt.

uppsättning S S 03.04.2015 21:42

1 svar


Strax före slutdatumet 1905, 1904, fanns det en roman Runt en distansstjärna genom Jean Delaire . Citat från Everett F. Bleiler s recension i *Science-Fiction: de första åren

On returning from India, the narrator visits Roy and finds that he has been working on a spaceship and has devised a way to leave the earth. After studying the work of Tesla and Roentgen, and other areas of modern science, he discovered that a very powerful dynamo could generate positive electricity of sufficient force to toss a ship off the earth at two thousand times the speed of light. This renders interstellar travel possible.

Det verkar vara det sista av pre-Einsteinian FTL-berättelserna. Det är svårt att hitta ett bra exempel på en FTL-historia under de kommande två decennierna. (Jag räknar inte historier där FTL uppnås genom mirakulösa eller övernaturliga medel eller var det var en dröm.) De tidigaste efter-Einsteinian-exemplen jag kan hitta är Edmond Hamilton s " Crashing Suns " (först berättelse i sin Interstellar Patrol serie) serialiserad i Weird Tales som börjar med problemet i augusti 1928 och Edward E. Smith s (med lite hjälp från Mrs Lee Hawkins Garby) " Skylark of Space " (första boken i Smiths Skylark -serien) serialiserad i Fantastiska berättelser som börjar med augusti 1928 fråga .

Skylarken i rymden ändrades väsentligt för bokpublicering 1946. Texten i den ursprungliga 1928-magasinversionen finns tillgänglig från Project Gutenberg . Följande Wikipedia plot synopsis bygger på den reviderade versionen:

The Skylark of Space is the first book of the Skylark series and pits the idealistic protagonist, Dick Seaton, against the mercantile antagonist Marc "Blackie" DuQuesne.

At the beginning of the story, Seaton accidentally discovers a workable space drive in combining pure copper with a newly discovered [fictional] element "X" (suggested to be a stable transactinide element in the platinum group) in solution. Having failed to re-create the effect, Seaton realizes that the missing component is a field generated by DuQuesne's particle accelerator, and thereafter sets up a business with his millionaire friend, Martin Crane, to build a spaceship. DuQuesne conspires to sabotage Seaton's spaceship and build his own from Seaton's plans, which he uses to kidnap Seaton's fiancée, Dorothy Vaneman, to exchange for the "X". In the resulting fight, DuQuesne's ship is accidentally set to full acceleration on an uncontrolled trajectory, until the copper 'power bar' is exhausted at a vast distance from Earth's solar system. Using an "Object Compass" that once locked on an object, always points toward that object, Seaton and Crane follow DuQuesne in their own spaceship (the eponymous Skylark) to rescue Dorothy and her fellow-hostage, Margaret "Peg" Spencer, until the Skylark discovers DuQuesne's ship derelict in orbit around a massive dead star (resembling a cold neutron star). Having obtained the hostages, Seaton extracts a promise from DuQuesne to "act as one of the party until they get back to Earth", in which relationship they leave orbit and travel further in search of additional fuel.

On an Earthlike exoplanet, they obtain "X" from an outcrop almost purely of that mineral; then leave that planet in search of copper. Following an encounter with a "Disembodied Intelligence" (Star Trek's "Q" would later show similar attributes), they enter a cluster of stars nicknamed “The Green System” and locate a planet having copper sulfate oceans. On the Earth-like "Osnome", they befriend the rulers of Mardonale, one of the two factions of the Osnomian natives. When the Mardonalian ruler attempts to betray Seaton and his friends, they find allies in Prince Dunark (a crown-prince of Mardonale's rival "Kondal") and his consort Princess Sitar, whom they later assist in destroying Mardonale. In gratitude, the Kondalians make new copper "power bars" and rebuild the Skylark as Skylark Two, with new weapons known to Kondalian science. Thereafter Seaton's marriage to Dorothy, and Crane's to Margaret, are solemnized by the Kondalian monarchy, and Seaton himself declared nominal "Overlord" of Kondal. The Skylark then returns to Earth, laden with jewels, radium, and a plenitude of "X"; but near Earth, DuQuesne leaves the Skylark by parachute, and the story ends with the Skylark's landing on Crane's Field.

svaret ges 04.04.2015 10:54