How äter en Sarlacc?


Okej så jag tittade igenom frågor och kom över en om hur man skulle fly från en Sarlacc. I det säger frågeställaren att det tar 1000 år för dem att smälta maten, vilket jag visste, men han fortsatte med att säga att offret lever under hela den tiden och lider genom det, det visste jag också. Men sättet som han sa det gjorde han att jag låter som offeret lever hela 1000 år och dör i slutet.

Har Sarlaccs någon form av kemikalie i sitt saliv som förlänger livet för sina offer?

uppsättning The Mandolorian 15.03.2016 09:07

2 svar


Det finns viss information om vad som händer med dem som är otur att ätas av en Sarlacc. Det här är vad länk har att säga:

Sarlaccs would begin their lives as spores and were able to travel great distances. When a male and female encountered one another, the smaller male would parasitically feed off the female, diminishing her size while increasing his own. Once the male reached the female's original size, he would burst, releasing millions of spores into the air and atmosphere.[8]

Once sarlaccs reached their maturity after 30,000 years, they would burrow themselves nearly 100 meters below the surface, feeding on creatures unfortunate enough to fall into their mouths. Victims of the sarlacc would be injected with immobilizing neurotoxins that caused constant pain, and, while still conscious, would be digested for millennia.[8]

länken finns mer information:

The vessels also provided victims with nutrients to keep them alive while they were digested in agony; sometimes when a victim was in the stomach for a long time period, the sarlacc actually embedded it in the lining of the stomach to make room for other victims it swallowed and to make the stomach stronger so that other victims could not escape participially once their digestion was complete and were free to become One with the Force.

A number of smaller, secondary stomachs were used to store victims for later consumption at times when the sarlacc needed larger amounts of nutrients, such as when it needed to grow, breed, or strengthen its tentacles and beak for catching stronger, larger prey. The secondary stomachs also functioned as a space to store victims when the main stomach ran out of room, although this was rare as the sarlaccs were an exceptionally feared creature in the Galaxy. The acidic fluids in the stomachs were composed of weak chemicals that took much longer to digest prey than acids in the stomach of other creatures. They specifically targeted skin and muscle tissue, because that was where the nutrients in the victims were. The secondary stomachs were also lined with more vessels and were smaller and more cramped to enclose the victims in, so that the sarlacc did not have to deal with the victim trying to escape its hold. The pain endured by its victims in this process was reputed to be unimaginable, with only rare individuals such as Boba Fett being able to resist.

In addition to the acidic fluids that digested the outer portions of the victims, the sarlacc also processed its victims from within. The sarlacc's blood was highly caustic, and was employed in the digestion of prey. The tendrils and vessels pumped the sarlacc's acidic blood into its victims to digest the inside of their bodies, and to carry back nutrients from the victims. This process also provided the victims with minimal sustenance.

Det verkar som om kombinationen av neurotoxinerna och de näringsämnen som tillhandahölls hållit offeren levande under den enorma matsmältningsperioden.

Richardsvaradeocksåhärhär: länk

svaret ges 15.03.2016 10:10

Överraskande är det här inte en retcon eller ett försök att förklara Threepio's throaway-linje ( "I magen finner du en ny definition av smärta och lidande, eftersom du långsamt smälts över tusen år." )

I filmens officiella novellering släpptes samtidigt som filmen och därmed betraktades som " G-Canon ", vi får den här exponeringen:

Lando closed his eyes and tried to think of all the ways he might give the Sarlacc a thousand years of indigestion. He bet himself three to two he could outlast anybody else in the creature’s stomach. Maybe if he talked that last guard out of his uniform …

Så han uppfattar tydligt att överlevnad handlar om mer än bara några minuter.

Senare källor har utarbetat detta i stor utsträckning genom att skapa ett helt ekosystem för att förklara att Sarlacc släpper ut näringsämnen för att hålla offret levande.

After being swallowed by the tongue, the victim made its way into the sarlacc's stomach to be digested, purportedly being kept alive and slowly digested for a millennium. A strong network of vessels inside the stomach punctured the victim's skin and muscles and then embedded itself into victims before injecting neurotoxins into them, preventing the victims from escaping and ensuring that they remained immersed in the acidic fluids in the stomach, and attached to the walls of the stomach.

The vessels also provided victims with nutrients to keep them alive while they were digested in agony; sometimes when a victim was in the stomach for a long time period, the sarlacc actually embedded it in the lining of the stomach to make room for other victims it swallowed and to make the stomach stronger so that other victims could not escape participially once their digestion was complete

Det sätt på vilket det håller sitt offer levande utöver deras tilldelade livslängd är inte omfattad i detalj, men vi lär oss att det finns en stark telepatisk komponent för tortyren och att den åtnjuter smärtan hos sina offer. , förklarar varför det skulle vilja hålla dem levande snarare än att bara konsumera sina näringsämnen.

svaret ges 15.03.2016 11:54