Även om jag inte kan hitta en riktig officiell källa, från vad jag fann är det effekten som heter Backward R ( The Backwards Я effekt ).
Min första analys
TvTropes konstaterar att The Nun är den tidigaste filmen i The Conjuring-serien kronologiskt, som äger rum 1952, vilket också bekräftades av producenten Peter Safran.
Från cinemablend
During the filming of Annabelle: Creation, Safran revealed that The
Nun would chronologically come first in The Conjuring franchise's
shared cinematic universe, making it as a further prequel to The
Conjuring series and Annabelle series. He said, "We have a board that
we created that has what we hope will ultimately be our series of
movies. We have it in chronological order, so we can keep track of
where it all happens.
Wikipedia säger att storheten ska vara
The plot follows a priest and a Catholic novitiate as they uncover an
unholy secret in 1952 Romania.
Fakta 2
Från Wikipedia
Romanian Cyrillic alphabet used N and ɴ, instead of Н and н.
Coincidentally, the Cyrillic letter I ⟨И⟩, which looks like a reversed
Latin ⟨N⟩, was derived from the Greek letter Eta ⟨Η⟩ while the
Cyrillic letter En ⟨Н⟩ was derived from the Greek letter Nu ⟨Ν⟩ which
looks like a reversed Cyrillic ⟨И⟩.
Eftersom det var den tidigaste daterade avbetalningen och baserat på Rumänien var den bakåtriktade N van vid att ge mer känsla om filmen, den tid som den berättelsen baserades på, platsen och också ge ut en viss känsla av äldre tider mörk magi och fasor. Tänk på karaktärerna och platserna i filmen som Valak , som är en goth / goetic demon, The St. Cârţa Abbey, som bär likheter med rumänska Cârţa Monastery som alla pekar på den tid som historien äger rum på. Inte en officiell källa baserad, men min observationsanalys.
Min andra analys
Om vi koncentrerar oss vidare på ovan nämnda bakåtriktade R-effekt, säger tvtropes att
In a lot of Western posters, you see something that could be called
"Faux Cyrillic" — replacing Latin characters with visually similar
Cyrillic ones, to make something look more Russian. Don't expect them
to be consistent with it, though.
This is because Cyrillic is based on medieval Greek completed with
Glagolitic (sometimes inspired by Hebrew — ц, ш) letters, but due to
reforms by Peter the Great, it has the same basic design principles as
the Latin alphabet (stroke thickness and placement, etc.). This has
resulted in an alphabet with letters that range from deceptively
familiar to the strikingly different. The Latin alphabet itself is
based — via the Etruscan/Old Italic one — on the archaic
(pre-classical) Greek one, and Hebrew and Greek scripts are based on
Phoenician script, so they are all related. Where the (English form of
the) Latin alphabet has twenty-six letters, the (Russian form of the)
Cyrillic alphabet has thirty-three.
The perpetrators ignore the fact that these letters are, in actual
Russian, pronounced completely differently from the Latin characters
they are supposed to represent, which results in unintended hilarity
for members of the audience who can read Cyrillic script.
Läs mer på Bakåt R-effekt