Vatchorder för Dreamland och The Infinite Quest in Doctor Who


Det här är mer en begäran om råd, eftersom jag tror att det förmodligen inte finns något kanon svar. Om jag skulle titta på en Doctor Who-maraton och inkludera de animerade episoderna Dreamland och The Infinite Quest, vad skulle det vara bra att placera dem i episodbeställningen?

uppsättning BillionSix 19.08.2014 06:45

1 svar


Infinite Quest:

As Martha is traveling freely with the Doctor, the story may be set somewhere between the series three episodes "42" (which follows directly on from Martha's invitation to long-term travel in "The Lazarus Experiment") and "Utopia" (which begins the series finale). However, the Character Bios on the DVD release state that Martha is traveling with the Doctor for one more trip, which seems to set it before "The Lazarus Experiment". Wikipedia

html "> Dreamland

I en intervju med DigitalSpy har Phil Ford (showens författare) kategoriskt sagt att Dreamland äger rum omedelbart efter det speciella avsnittet "Water of Mars":

Where does it fit in the Doctor's timeline?

"It's set after 'Waters of Mars'. It's a much more light-hearted story than 'Waters of Mars' or the story that will follow it. As I think Russell said elsewhere, just because of the dark ending of 'Waters of Mars' it doesn't necessarily mean the rest of the journey is going to be doom-laden. The Doctor stops off for a bowl of chili - the kind of chili you could only get in an American diner before 1962, as he says!"

svaret ges 19.08.2014 08:13