Molasses - "Full Flavour" vs "Mild Flavour"


Vad är skillnaden mellan Fullständig smak och Mild smak av melass ?

Finns det annorlunda? Innehållet skiljer sig åt Är den milda en utspädd form av den andra?

När ska man använda vilken i vilken typ av recept?

Exemplen som visas här på detta foto är både unsulphured .

uppsättning Basil Bourque 08.12.2016 04:48

1 svar


Direkt från kaninens webbplats: länk

Q: What are there the different grades of Brer Rabbit molasses?

A: Brer Rabbit molasses comes in three grades: Mild Flavor, Full Flavor and Blackstrap.

  • • Mild Flavor: Lightest color and is the sweetest, is used to sweeten hot cereals, yogurts, or hot drinks, like coffee, tea or hot
  • • Full Flavor: More concentrated and has a richer flavor than Mild, that is used in gingerbreads, cookies, pies, cakes, and glazes
  • • Blackstrap: Bold, robust flavor used in slow-cooked dishes, like such as baked beans or barbeque sauces. Blackstrap is also an excellent source of Calcium and Magnesium and a good source of Potassium.

Jag skulle gissa att skillnaden är samma sak, olika ord, som Crosbys "matlagning" och "fancy" Den fancy eller milda kokas ner sockerrörsjuice (utan socker borttagen) och har mer socker och mer carmel -så smak.

The highest grade of molasses available, fancy molasses is the pure juice of the sugar cane, condensed, inverted and purified. It is 100% natural and contains no additives or preservatives. It is a bit lighter in colour than the other molasses products, and the flavour is tangy sweet.

Blackstrap molasses is the highly-concentrated, final by-product of the refined sugar manufacturing process. As the sugar crystallizes, the residual cane juice thickens into a dark mass and is separated out through a centrifuge. The resulting molasses is very dark with a robust, somewhat bitter flavour. Like the fancy molasses, it is a pure product and contains no added sulphates or sulphites.

Cooking molasses is a blend of blackstrap and fancy molasses. It is thicker and darker than fancy molasses — less sweet, with a more “full-flavoured” taste.


svaret ges 08.12.2016 05:51