Does Black Panther suit ger extra hastighet?


Så i inbördeskriget verkar Black Panther-kostym ge klädhållaren lite extra hastighet, eftersom killen körde så fort som Bucky och Captain America.

Så ger det extra hastighet? Om så är fallet, hur fungerar det?

uppsättning bleh 09.08.2016 16:26

1 svar


Enligt Marvel , i serierna är det inte kostymen

T'Challa's senses and physical attributes have been enhanced to superhuman levels by the heart-shaped herb.

Den hjärtformade örten

The Heart-Shaped Herb is a plant that only grows in the nation of Wakanda. In legend it was said to have been a gift from the Panther God, the local deity they worshipped, but in reality the plant had been mutated by a giant meteorite of Vibranium crashing into the earth.


As chieftain, the Panther is entitled to eat a special Heart-Shaped Herb which, in addition to his mystical connection with the Wakandan Panther God, grants him superhumanly acute senses, enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, durability, healing and reflexes

Mer information @

Obs! Det finns ingen information (som jag kan hitta) om krafter och / eller förmågor i MCU-versionen Earth-199999 av Black Panther. Logiskt kommer detta att täckas i Panther-filmen.

svaret ges 09.08.2016 16:44