Hur lärde Anakin hur han blev ett spöke efter sin död?


Qui-Gon upptäckte hur man blir ett kraftspel efter döden och pratar med levande (om de är mottagliga). I slutet av avsnitt 3 hade Yoda lärt sig det från honom och berättade för Obi-Wan att han också skulle lära honom. Det fungerade tydligen och Kenobi visste tricket.

Men när och hur lärde Anakin göra det och visas i slutet av avsnitt 6?

uppsättning Olaf 24.11.2013 20:59

7 svar


Enligt Wikia - som är oanvänd så ta det här med ett saltkorn! -

Darth Vader learned of this ability through Darth Sidious, and upon his death, the spirits of Kenobi and Yoda completed his training by granting him the last step in becoming a spirit.

Jag tror det här kan hämtas från The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader boken men måste läsa om det för att bekräfta. Dessutom är denna bok ännu inte betraktad som kanon. Det är fortfarande i legender kategorin. Men förklaringen verkar vara så meningsfull.

svaret ges 25.11.2013 02:02

Det hade sagts att Anakin lärde sig att bli ett kraftspöke på grund av tidig hjälp av spöken Obi-Wan och / eller spöke Yoda. Lucas sa så mycket på Return of the Jedi DVD-kommentar:

"This little scene where he burns his father's body, it wasn't originally in the script. But I decided it gave more closure in terms of Luke's relationship to his father, letting go of his father. Even though later on, as we get to the end of the movie, as he joins the Force, he was able to retain his original identity, it's because of Obi-Wan and Yoda, who learned how to do that: how to join the Force at will and then retain your identity. But it was his identity as he was when he died as Anakin Skywalker."

I Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays tillskrivs lagen i ROTJs grova utkast till Yoda specifikt:

In the rough draft… Ben explains that… if "Vader becomes one with the dark side of the Force, he will lose all identity. If he turns to the good side, he will pass through the Netherworld" and in the revised rough draft, Yoda "will rescue him before he becomes one with the Force."

Även om de inte längre kanon, presenterades samma idé (endast Obi-Wan) i Ryder Windham-böckerna Darth Vaders uppgång och fall och Livet och legen av Obi-Wan Kenobi .

"Anakin, listen carefully," Obi-Wan interrupted. "You are in the netherworld of the Force, but if you ever wish to revisit corporeal space, then I still have one thing left to teach you. A way to become one with the Force. If you choose this path to immortality, you must listen now, before your consciousness fades." (The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Nu när vi har sett Yodas "vision quest" i TCW säsong 6, är situationen kanske mindre klar. Det är dock klart att Vader gjorde inte lära sig förmågan från Darth Sidious. Skriptet och novelleringen av Revenge of the Sith gjorde båda punkterna att Sith inte kan nå makten:

QUI -GON: (V.O.) Patience. You will have time. I did not. When I became one with the Force I made a great discovery. With my training, you will be able to merge with the Force at will. Your physical self will fade away, but you will still retain your consciousness. You will become more powerful than any Sith.

YODA: Eternal consciousness. 

QUI-GON: (V.O.) The ability to defy oblivion can be achieved, but only for oneself. It was accomplished by a Shaman of the Whills. It is a state acquired through compassion, not greed.

(Revenge of the Sith script)

 Yoda did not move. “Eternal life …”  

The ultimate goal of the Sith, yet they can never achieve it; it comes only by the release of self, not the exaltation of self. It comes through compassion, not greed. Love is the answer to the darkness.

("Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith", novelization by Matthew Stover)

svaret ges 06.06.2015 18:20

Enligt den nu icke-kanoniska boken Rymden och fallet av Darth Vader lärde Obi-Wan honom strax efter att Anakin dog:

Closing his eyes as he slumped back against the shuttle ramp, Anakin Skywalker had every reason to believe that he was finally about to embrace perpetual darkness.

Not for the first time, he was wrong.


Initially, there was darkness for Anakin Skywalker, a boundless shadowy realm, like a universe without stars. But then, from somewhere at the edge of his awareness, he perceived a distant, shimmering light, then heard a voice say, Anakin.

The voice was familiar.

Although Anakin no longer had a body or a mouth with which to speak, he somehow answered, Obi-Wan? Master, I'm so sorry. So very, very-

Anakin, listen carefully, Obi-Wan interrupted, and Anakin was aware that the distant light was either growing brighter or closer, or perhaps both. You are in the netherworld of the Force, but if you ever wish to revisit corporeal space, then I still have one thing left to teach you. A way to become one with the Force. If you choose this path to immortality, then you must listen now, before your consciousness fades.

Knowing he was beyond redemption, Anakin said, But, Master... why me?

Because you ended the horror, Anakin, Obi-Wan said. Because you fulfilled the prophecy.

The light was very bright now.

Anakin's first thought was that he might be able to see his children again. He said, Thank you, Master.

Taking the Imperial shuttle, Luke Skywalker had escaped with his father's remains from the Death Star only a moment before the battle station exploded. After landing on the Sanctuary Moon, Luke prepared a very private funeral in a forest clearing.

Night had fallen by the time Luke placed Anakin Skywalker's armor-clad body atop a pile of gathered wood. As he ignited the pyre, Luke said, "I burn his armor and with it the name of Darth Vader. May the name of Anakin Skywalker be a light that guides the Jedi for generations to come."

Luke was unaware of the spirits who watched him from the shadows of the lambent woods. But later, when he rejoined his allies for their victory celebration in the treetop village that was home to the Ewoks, Luke saw three shimmering apparitions materialize in the darkness. They were Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda... and his father, Anakin Skywalker.

The Jedi had returned.

svaret ges 08.01.2016 05:10

i Star Wars Clone Wars 2009 t.v. serien, i säsong 6 Yoda lär sig att ha förmågan att bli ett kraftspel. Han var tvungen att besegra sitt inre själv att göra det, och så tror jag att när Anakin dödade kejsaren hade han besegrat sitt inre onda själ så att han kunde gå med i Yoda och Obi Wan. Ja, jag tror definitivt att eftersom Anakin var "den utvalda" och med högsta kraft midi-chlorians, som åtminstone Qui-Gon hade sett tidigare, måste det ha varit mycket lättare att behålla sig själv ens i döden.

svaret ges 08.04.2015 03:12

Detta är hypotetiskt. Men, om Vader redan tekniskt var ett kraftspök (som Sion och Nihlus). Anakin Skywalker var död, det var hans hat och ilska som höll sin kropp levande. På ett visst sätt är en zombifierad torterad anda bevarad av den mörka sidan onaturliga energi. Först när han släppte bort det hatret kunde hans anda äntligen bli en med kraften.

svaret ges 08.01.2017 16:05

Per Anakin Skywalkers inlägg på Wookieepedia:

Though Skywalker did not know about Qui-Gon Jinn's secret of joining the Force, and was surprised when Kenobi's body vanished right before he killed him, he was still able to retain his personality when joining the Force. Jinn had been outspoken in life about the Living Force, and taught Yoda on Dagobah that the secret to eternal life via the Force, was with love. Thus, according to Jinn, a Sith could never truly attain it. As he passed from life, Skywalker's love for his son consumed him completely, transforming him into a spirit like his Master had before him.

svaret ges 02.12.2013 00:20

Jag tror att han bara kunde göra det för att han var den utvalda och född från kraften. Också kanske för att han på ett sätt gjorde vad Yoda gjorde i The Clone Wars. Han mötte hans mörka sida och över kom det, ställde sig inför sin rädsla. Det är min tolkning av hur och varför det hände. Jag tror inte att det finns en CANON-förklaring från och med nu. Jag vet inte varför men av någon anledning känner jag att Qui-Gon hjälpte honom men jag vet inte var jag hörde det från.

svaret ges 03.11.2017 10:08