Vad hände med Vika-52?


I filmen visas Jack-52 vid hytten Jack-49 byggd och där Julia Harper bor nu med henne och Jack-49s dotter. I Jack-52s entourage (som ser ut som de är alla Scavs) finns det ingen Vika klon alls.

Ingen av Scavs nämner även Vika-klonerna ... om de aldrig kom ner eller på något sätt klättrade upp ett torn, kanske de inte ens vet att Vika-klonerna existerar. Både Vika-49 och Vika-52 visar en disinclination eller disinterest att gå ytan.

Var Vika-52 helt enkelt kvar för att dö från svält i Tower 52?

uppsättning 22.07.2015 11:52

1 svar


Vi vet inte bara, men det verkar som att direktören lämnade avsiktet tvetydigt för att provocera "fan discussion" efter att ha lämnat filmen. Det verkar som att inkludera Vika-52s öde och de andra Jack / Vika-paren:

Q: At the end of the movie Oblivion, there were two Tom Cruises and only one of them noticed the other. I had trouble wrapping my head around that. It certainly was a good ending because it kept me thinking about the movie for a long time. But I am burning to know what it means. I am thinking not one not two but maybe multiple Tom Cruises? Time travel, multiple universes or something else? -

Kosinski: I think the idea of the film is — what is it that makes us who we are? Is it the flesh on our bones or is it our souls, our memories? I think the end of the film comes down on the side of saying that it’s our memories, our experiences, our souls that define who we are. So even though it’s Jack 52 at the end of the film, which is not the same Jack we’ve been following the whole film, he does have the same memories as Julia and therefore, in her mind it really is her Jack. I always knew it was going to be a controversial ending and a provocative idea, but that’s exactly the reason I made this, because I love movies that pose questions like that, and get you thinking and talking about it after the movie’s over.

svaret ges 24.02.2016 22:45