Bald cross eyed karaktär på Family Guy


Jag såg en episod av familjens kille och de hade en parodi av en tecknade tecken som jag inte kände igen:

Vem är han?

uppsättning Tyler Durden 25.05.2018 02:38

1 svar


Det är Opie (uttalat av Mark Hentemann)

html >

Opie is a mentally challenged ex-co-worker of Peter Griffin at the Pawtucket Brewery and ward of the state. He has won "Employee of the Month" at least twenty times and has been promoted ahead of Peter.

He has a mental retardation and he never really does anything. He sometimes tells Peter to stick his finger in mouth, only to bite it. He wears two different shoes on each foot. He once went for a haircut that went horribly awry. No one other than Angela seems to understand what he's saying. However, Peter has been shown to understand him in in some instances such as when he gets fired


Det framgår senare att Opie talar gibberish eftersom han ständigt är full.

svaret ges 25.05.2018 02:55