Vad är skeppet i den här scenen?


I slutet av episoden Star Wars Rebels " The Lost Commanders ", en Inquisitor på en Lambda-class shuttle går in i dockningsbryggan Agent Callus 'Star Destroyer.

Till höger om pendeln parkeras flera TIE Fighters, medan till vänster parkeras flera båtar som jag just sett för första gången (se frihand röd cirkel) . De såg på mig som en kejserlig version av LAAT Republic Gunships.

Vet någon deras exakta namn, modell, specifikationer etc?

uppsättning thegreatjedi 26.11.2015 15:44

2 svar


De är Polis Gunships :

The police gunship, also known first as the Republic police gunship or Republic police helicopter and later as the Imperial patrol transport, was a gunship introduced during the Clone Wars to perform law enforcement functions on the Republic capital of Coruscant. Designed to be sleeker and smaller as well as less heavily armed than the Republic attack gunship, the police gunship was better suited for policing the dense city-wide planet while reducing the risks of collateral damage. The police gunship was armed with ball-mounted turrets and fixed cannons. A troop bay allowed for the rapid deployment of police officers. Though utilized primarily by the Coruscant Security Force, the police gunship also was available to the Coruscant Guard shock troopers who could procure them if need be. After the formation of the Galactic Empire, the police gunship saw a broader use as a patrol craft for the Imperial military on various worlds.
- Wookieepedia


POLICE GUNSHIP During the Clone Wars, security on Coruscant was bolstered with the addition of Republic police gunships. Smaller, sleeker, and less heavily-armed than the military-grade Republic attack gunship, the police gunship was better suited to navigate the skyline and was less likely to cause costly collateral damage with its pair of ball-mounted laser turrets that flanked the cockpit, or the a fixed laser cannon that extended from the rear. Four arm-mounted solar gather panels helped power the repulsorlift vehicle. The control cabin had two stacked seats, with the pilot elevated and slightly behind the gunner. The troop bay had side doors that folded upward for entry, and rear ramp for rapid deployment of police forces. After the Clone Wars, the Empire made equally good use of police gunships, using them to combat rebel threats from world to world.
- Star

svaret ges 26.11.2015 16:01

Detta är en polis Gunship.

Canon-referens: SW-databas: länk

Databasspecifikationer är något skarpa:



Och databasskrivningen är:

During the Clone Wars, security on Coruscant was bolstered with the addition of Republic police gunships. Smaller, sleeker, and less heavily-armed than the military-grade Republic attack gunship, the police gunship was better suited to navigate the skyline and was less likely to cause costly collateral damage with its pair of ball-mounted laser turrets that flanked the cockpit, or the a fixed laser cannon that extended from the rear. Four arm-mounted solar gather panels helped power the repulsorlift vehicle. The control cabin had two stacked seats, with the pilot elevated and slightly behind the gunner. The troop bay had side doors that folded upward for entry, and rear ramp for rapid deployment of police forces. After the Clone Wars, the Empire made equally good use of police gunships, using them to combat rebel threats from world to world.

Wikiaartikel: länk


StarWarsRebels-"Call to Action"

Star Wars Rebels - "Gamla republikens reliker"

svaret ges 26.11.2015 16:06