Så mycket som jag hatar att svara på min egen fråga, slutade jag att hitta svaret själv medan jag gick igenom YouTube-videor av kommentarerna.
Serien jag letade efter var Hypernauts. Från imdb
Three cadets from the Academy Of Galactic Exploration and a Pyrian princess are in a distant sector of the galaxy, when they encounter the warfaring Triad, who had destroyed Pyrus and other planets. Unable to match the Triad's firepower in their ship, they have to rely on stealth and speed to avoid their clutches. They must warn Earth, but dare not lead the Triad to their homeworld.
För fullständighetens skull går jag igenom min lista och pekar på var jag hade fel och rätt.
It would have been aired ~15-20 years ago in Canada (likely on the then equivalent of the Space Channel, but I don't guarantee that)
Hypernuts ursprungligen luftades 1996, vilket gör det exakt 20 år sedan (På något sätt det här får mig att förvåna att jag fortfarande kommer ihåg att många detaljer)
It was in English. It was definitely not animated, no puppet people either
Definitivt Live Action.
It was definitely a series, but I cannot remember the number of seasons it might have run for. It could have been a rebroadcast of a show earlier, but it was definitely new to myself and the station at the time.
Det var tyvärr en mycket begränsad serie. Bara 13 episoder gjorda och 5 sändes aldrig.
There were likely three main characters (Could have been more, but three is a definite minimum)
Något på den här, tre huvudtecken och en främling prinsessa som jag uppenbarligen inte bryr mig tillräckligt om att minnas.
Each character had a personal fighter/ship, colour coded to their uniform colours (I don't think they were designed as pure fighters, but they definitely had some kind of weapons).
Detta är förmodligen mitt största misstag. De hade definitivt de färgkodade fartygen, men jag glömde tydligen det faktum att de också kunde bli till mecha. Det skulle troligen ha gjort det enklare att svara.
The show took place in deep space and I don't specifically remember any kind of references to Earth.
Deep Space, kolla. Det sker i en avlägsen del av galaxen. Tydligen kan de bara inte riskera att återvända till jorden.
There were definitely FTL jumps, but the terminology used for the technology escapes me.
Hyperbubblor. Vad ett udda namn.
There was a large ship capable of devouring asteroids/planets for some reason, likely controlled by whatever passed for the bad guys. (Young me was likely quite impressed by it)
Tillverkaren är en typ av produktionsfartyg som förtär asteroider för råvaror. Unga jag var ganska hemskt att vara rädd för tydligt.
One particular scene that I have quite vividly (probably from the series premier) had them exploring an abandoned wrecked ship, exterior lights flickering over the ships name (This ship was probably very important and likely became their home base, but I don't guarantee that).
Inte egentligen den främsta episoden. De upptäcker skeppet, ala "The Star Ranger" i det andra avsnittet.