Boks: Genmanipulerade intelligenta bröder utforskar utrymme / planet


Jag letar efter författaren och titeln på en bok. Jag tror att det är (ska vara) den första i en trilogi, som alla använder samma tecken, men äger rum i olika universum - med bara människor, med en typ av utlänningar och med många utomjordingar.

I den har en genmanipulerad och mycket intelligent bläckfisk utbildats för att flyga ett rymdskepp och börja utforska en planet och bygga ett livsmiljö. Hon (bläckfisken) har lyckats bli gravid, så när hon dör, finns det en hel koloni av intelligenta squids som lever i den habitat de har expanderat.

Så småningom finns det en klyfta bland korparna, och en grupp av dem flyr i ett rymdskepp som de har byggt - precis innan livsmiljön förstörs av människorna, eftersom korparna hotar uppdraget.

Jag borde påpeka att det mesta av boken handlade om de mänskliga karaktärerna, det var bara att squidsna var så speciella som det fastnade i mitt sinne.

Jag kan blanda ihop med en annan bok (men jag tror inte det), så här är några andra saker som jag tror hänt:

  • En sorts spridd katastrofal händelse som skulle svalna först solsystemet och så småningom hela galaxen / universum, med en tydlig tidsgräns (mycket lång tid).
  • En sådan portal som tillåter resa in i en mycket avlägsen framtid - så avlägsen faktiskt, att man kunde observera skapandet och förstörelsen av flera nya universum, efter att vi först förstått vårt eget ändamål. (Jag tror att en av squids var den första genom.)
uppsättning Baard Kopperud 16.06.2013 08:26

2 svar


Du tänker på Manifold: Tid (1999) av Stephen Baxter . Det är den första boken i Manofold-trilogin följt av Manifold: Space och Manifold: Origin .

Time is set on Earth, the inner part of the Solar System and various other universes onwards from the 21st century. The novel covers a wide range of topics, including the Doomsday argument, Fermi paradox, genetic engineering, and humanity's extinction.

The book begins at the end of space and time, when the last descendants of humanity face an infinite but pointless existence. Due to proton decay the physical universe has collapsed, but some form of intelligence has survived by embedding itself into a lossless computing substrate where it can theoretically survive indefinitely. However, because there will never be new input, eventually all possible thoughts will be exhausted. Some portion of this intelligence decides that this should not have been the ultimate fate of the universe, and takes action to change the past, centering on the early 21st century. The changes come in several forms, including a message to Reid Malenfant, the appearance of super-intelligent children around the world, and the discovery of a mysterious gateway on asteroid 3753 Cruithne.

Baxter's short story "Sheena 5" explores an alternate ending to the story of Sheena, the intelligent squid.

svaret ges 16.06.2013 08:50

Detta tema kom först i Baxters novell "Sheena 5"; se Variety SF för en recension, vilket är mycket mer om bläckfisken och mindre om människorna.

But the really far fetched twist is - no humans will go there. A squid will have her mind genetically enhanced to make her smart, & to make her communicate with humans - particularly Dan! She will go in her tiny water habitat that will be part of the ship. No need to bother getting her back safely - since squids' natural life is only 2 years (I haven't verified it from other sources).

Sheena 5 is the squid that will go. Apparently, 5th in the line of engineered squid. Since she can never leave her water habitat, she will control an army of small robots that will actually do the construction job aboard the asteroid.

What no one foresaw was: she got pregnant just before the trip. Since she is smart, she gave birth in space in a way that hid the fact from mission control for too long. Now her craft is on asteroid, the rocket is fitted to asteroid & pushing it towards earth, but she has too many babies in her too small a habitat!

Turns out 4 of her babies are very smart; rest are typical dumb squids. Dumber ones will get eaten by their smarter siblings. But soon, the life support starts getting overstretched.

That is when Sheena 6, one of the smarter kids, makes Dan educate her on how to use local resources & her robots to extend the habitat. Expansion is done, & all is well for the moment.

Dan's lab is taken over by military, people lose interest in Project Bootstrap - the one that would have brought asteroid, Dan moves out. Years pass - less than a decade, I think.

Then, one fine day, someone manning Hubble II telescope decides to have a peek. And all hell breaks loose.

Not only have the squids made their little asteroid wholly habited, they have ships all over Sol! Reinmuth is headed to earth, & humans are afraid. Near end, we will see hints of the doom of humanity - as nuclear attack against Reinmuth fails, & it's entering earth's atmosphere. Sheena 46 appears to be in charge.

svaret ges 14.04.2018 02:52