Vad var namnet på den hjälpande främmande tävlingen i det femte elementet?


I det femte elementet, vad heter utlänningen som kom för att hjälpa människan när den stora onda återvände?

uppsättning Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan 20.10.2013 01:28

2 svar


Loppet var känt som Mondoshawan .

Från originalskriptet ;

CORNELIUS: (to the President) The Mondoshawans don't belong to the Federated Territories, but they are peaceful... in their possession are the four elements of life. These elements when they are gathered around a fifth: The Supreme Being, ultimate warrior, created to protect life......

Deär beskrivna som;

"an alien species [...that...] had existed for countless years. They served as the protectors and guardians of a weapon that was arranged around four elements; fire, water, air and earth that surrounded the fifth element which was a supreme being and a member of the Mondoshawan race. This was done so in order to combat the Great Evil that approached every five millenia. The Fifth Element thus created what was known as the Light of Creation that destroyed the Great Evil as well as brought life to every corner of the cosmos."

DVD-skivan innehöll en omfattande " Making of " dokumentär med titeln " Det femte elementet: Skapa den Mondoshawans där Nick Dudman (Creature Effects Supervisor for 5th Element) och Monique Brown (Animatronic Designer) diskuterar svårigheterna att bygga och driva modellerna.

I den officiella Soundtrack har de egen temamusik med titeln " Mondoshawan " som innehåller en blandning av fallande toner och Mondoshawan-språk.

svaret ges 30.12.2013 00:59

Främmande arter är Mondoshawans.


svaret ges 20.10.2013 02:23