Skogar i krig med varandra


Jag sökte på nätet för namnet och författaren till berättelsen om Yanda-trädet, och hittade svaret på den här webbplatsen (jag frågade inte frågan på den här sidan, en Google-sökning hittade mina nyckelord här). Vad sägs om en gammal gammal scifi trädorienterad historia som jag skulle vilja hitta igen? Som jag kommer ihåg fanns inga människor eller varelser av något slag i berättelsen, annat än två skogar som hade ett kärnvapenkrig med varandra genom att samla in naturliga uranfötter och använda sina prehensile rötter för att placera kritiska massor under varandra.

uppsättning Charles M Britzman 15.08.2015 21:48

1 svar


Kan det här vara " [The] Process " av AE Van Vogt?

A sentient forest challenges arboreal neighbors and a spaceship that has landed among its' woodlands, which soon departs after being warned away with micro-mined uranium ore

Shortly after dawn the following morning, it launched its attack. Its victim was the forest which - according to its faulty recollection - had originally invaded its territory.

Along the entire front which separated the two colossuses, small atomic explosions erupted. The solid barrier of trees which was the other forest's outer defense went down before blast after blast of irresistible energy.

The enemy, reacting normally, brought up its reserve of sap. When it was fully committed to the gigantic task of growing, a new barrier, the bombs started to go off again. The resulting explosions destroyed its main sap supply. And, since it did not understand what was happening, it was lost from that moment.

Into the no-man's-land where the bombs had gone off, the attacking forest rushed an endless supply of roots. Wherever resistance built up, there an atomic bomb went off. Shortly after the next noon, a titanic explosion destroyed the sensitive central trees - and the battle was over.

svaret ges 15.08.2015 21:55