‘But if Voldemort used the Killing Curse,’ Harry started again, ‘and nobody died for me this time – how can I be alive?’ ‘I think you know,’ said Dumbledore. ‘Think back. Remember what he did, in his ignorance, in his greed and his cruelty.’ ... ‘He took my blood,’ said Harry. ‘Precisely!’ said Dumbledore. ‘He took your blood and rebuilt his living body with it! Your blood in his veins, Harry, Lily’s protection inside both of you! He tethered you to life while he lives!’ ‘I live ... while he lives? But I thought ... I thought it was the other way round! I thought we both had to die? Or is it the same thing?’
Om det är så då kan Voldemort inte dö eftersom Harry blod blivit en gång genom Voldemorts ådror? Någon klargör noggrant.
På J.K. Rowlings hemsida, beskriver hon offerskydd som Lilys skyddande kraft över Harry. Offer skyddet bunden bara Harry till livet, inte den mörka herren, eftersom dess makt specifikt skyddar Harry. Så även om den mörka herren tog det för att bygga om sin kropp, skyddade den fortfarande bara Harry, så bara knytade Harry till livet medan det existerade utanför honom.
Having taken Harry’s blood into himself, Voldemort is keeping alive Lily’s protective power over Harry. So Voldemort himself acts almost like a Horcrux for Harry – except that the power of Lily’s sacrifice is a positive force that not only continues to tether Harry to life, but gives Voldemort himself one last chance (Dumbledore refers to this last hope in chapter 35). Voldemort has unwittingly put a few drops of goodness back inside himself; if he had repented, he could have been healed more deeply than anyone would have supposed. But, of course, he refused to feel remorse.
- FAQ on J.K. Rowling’s website
Den mörka Herren var inte knuten till livet på något sätt genom att ha använt Harrys blod för att bygga om sin kropp.
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