Mr.Kitty - SouthPark wikia nämner könet som manlig . Detta är könsbestämd genom hela serien, med undantag för ett enda avsnitt.
Avsnittet enda där Mr.Kitty avbildas som en kvinna är Cat Orgy .
Mr. Kitty would later have prominent role in "Cat Orgy", in which his/her gender has shifted back towards female and he/she is in heat. After attempting to have sex throughout the episode, Mr. Kitty assembles a massive group of male cats to come home with her. She then proceeds to get all the cat's high on catnip (which they snort like cocaine) and all the male cats proceed to take turns having sex with Mr. Kitty. Cartman and his babysitter Shelly Marsh were, needless to say, horrified.
Även Wikipedia nämner detta -
Although Mr. Kitty is indicated to be female in "Cat Orgy", there are examples of where he's portrayed as a male; in the season 12 episode "Major Boobage", the children experiment with Mr. Kitty's urine after learning that the urine of male cats can cause intoxication, indicating that Mr. Kitty is actually male.