Var finns LV-223?


I filmen Prometheus hör vi en utbyte av dialog som fortskrider ungefär enligt följande:

Janek: You know, if you wanna get laid, you really don't have to pretend to be interested in the pyramid scan. I mean, you could just say, "Hey, I'm trying to get laid." Heh.

Meredith Vickers: I could. I could say that, right? But then it wouldn't make sense why I would fly myself half a billion miles from every man on Earth if I wanted to get laid, would it?

Som Neil de Grasse Tyson har påpekat är detta absurt, eftersom det sätter LV-223 bra inom ramen för vårt eget solsystem.


Filmenberättarattplaneten(somfaktisktärenmånavgasjättenCalpamos)LV-223,ävenkändsom"Varsa", är faktiskt 35 ljusår borta från jorden, som fungerar till ungefär 206 biljoner miles. Det innebär att det verkliga avståndet är 412 000 gånger större än Vickers uppskattning. När jorden är närmast Jupiter är det bara 32 ljus minuter bort - antalet ljus år som nämns är större än det faktiska lägsta antalet ljus minuter till Jupiter.

Screenwriter, Damon Lindelof, har kommenterat i denna fråga, men vägrade att förklara motsättningen:

Charlize [Theron] has a line in the movie where she says, “I wouldn’t be half a billion miles away from every man on earth if I wanted to get laid.” And Neil deGrasse Tyson [the well-known astrophysicist] came out said “This would put her somewhere in the neighborhood of Jupiter, when they are much, much further out.” I chose not to say anything because the line was intentional. It had been dinged before we even shot it. But we stuck by it for reasons I don’t feel like discussing.

Vi vet också att det finns andra uppenbara goofs i dialogen. Från samma intervju som citeras ovan:

Q: There was also a lot of debate about a line in which David the android says that the crew has been asleep for “2 years, 4 months, 18 days, 36 hours, 15 minutes.” People didn’t understand why he wouldn’t have just said “2 years, 4 months, 19 days, 12 hours, 15 minutes.”

A: The “36 hours” line has been burning a hole in my side because I wasn’t there on the day they shot it. I don’t know if it was an ad-lib by Michael or an idea by Ridley, that wasn’t the line that we wrote. So when people contact me and say “Explain this. Is it a glitch in David?” I have to say “I can’t take responsibility for this.” So, I do think in terms of fair play with the audience, Twitter is a medium for me to say “I can’t come out now and bullshit you.” God forbid somebody pulls the script one day and sees that line is not even in the script. So I have to be honest.

Hur känner vi till dessa motstridiga konton om var planeten är? Hur kunde piloten i ett interplanetärt uppdrag vara så fel på det avstånd som rymdfarkosten har rest?

uppsättning Wad Cheber 16.07.2015 02:47

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