Name of Short story där mänskligheten bedöms av en Mickey Mouse-tecknad


Jag minns en kortfattad historia om science fiction om några arkeologer (jag tror att de kan ha varit främmande) där de beskriver att gå igenom resterna av en förstörd jord. Det kan ha blivit förstört tusentals år i framtiden.

Vridningen var att de beskrev vad de visste om jordbävningar - att vi rörde oss runt i ryckiga rörelser, hade en begränsad ordförråd, etc.

Då inser du så småningom att deras förståelse för mänskligheten var baserad på den enda filmen som de hittade, en Mickey Mouse-tecknad.

Vem vet vem som kanske har skrivit detta eller titeln?


uppsättning Bob 10.05.2014 04:12

1 svar


"Historielektionen" av Arthur C. Clarke, först publicerad i Startling Stories , maj 1949 , tillgängligt på Internetarkiv . Utlänningsvetenskapsmännen är från Venus. Här är en sammandrag från Wikipedia :

The first part of the story is told from the perspective of a tribe of nomadic humans in a future where Earth has entered a final ice age. The tribe is travelling toward the equator ahead of glaciers that are descending from the North Pole, but discovers, when they arrive in the last hospitable region of the planet, that glaciers from the South Pole have already almost reached them. The tribe carries with it a few relics from the mid-21st century which it considers sacred, although the functions of the various objects have been forgotten. Before the ultimate extinction of the human species, the relics are safely relocated to a mountain that stands between the two advancing bodies of ice.

The second part of the story is told from the perspective of a race of Venusian reptiles who have evolved into intelligent beings capable of space travel in the 5,000 years since the cooling of the Sun. The Venusians travel to Earth and recover the relics of the last tribe of humans, now the only remnants of civilization not buried under ice. The title of the story comes from the attempts of the Venusian scientist, to reconstruct the life and times of erect bipeds that once walked on the Third Planet through the analysis of one of the last relics of mankind — a film reel that apparently contains a Disney animated cartoon short, which ends with a section of text, which no amount of effort and speculation can decipher : "A Walt Disney Production".

Disney-tecknadskaraktären heter inte i berättelsen, men från beskrivningen är det uppenbarligen Donald Duck , inte Mickey Mouse:

Once more the final picture flashed on the screen, motionless this time, for the projector had been stopped. With something like awe, the scientists gazed at the still figure from the past, while in turn the little biped stared back at then with its characteristic expression of arrogant bad temper. [Emphasis added.]

svaret ges 10.05.2014 04:19