Did Saurons legosoldater vet att de kämpade för en övernaturlig kraft?


Senare i ringen Ringsherren trilogin, går Gondors, alverna, Aragornens etc. upp mot mänskliga legosoldater från avlägsna länder. Har lejesoldaterna blivit inklingade att de kämpade för en övernaturlig kraft, eller tyckte de att Sauron bara var en rik herre som kunde ha råd med sina tjänster?

uppsättning Nu'Daq 07.07.2017 23:02

2 svar


De visste vem Sauron var.

Under andra ålder rullade Sauron över ett gäng män, som var förfäderna för den tredje ålders Haradrim .

Men he found the easiest to sway of all the peoples of the Earth; [...]

Now Sauron's lust and pride increased, until he knew no bounds, and he determined to make himself master of all things in Middle-earth, and to destroy the Elves, and to compass, if he might, the downfall of Númenor. He brooked no freedom nor any rivalry, and he named himself Lord of the Earth. A mask he still could wear so that if he wished he might deceive the eyes of Men, seeming to them wise and fair. But he ruled rather by force and fear, if they might avail; and those who perceived his shadow spreading over the world called him the Dark Lord and named him the Enemy; [...]

Elsewhere Sauron reigned, and those who would be free took refuge in the fastnesses of wood and mountain, and ever fear pursued them. In the east and south well nigh all Men were under his dominion, and they grew strong in those days and built many towns and walls of stone, and they were numerous and fierce in war and aimed with iron. To them Sauron was both king and god; and they feared him exceedingly, for he surrounded his abode with fire. [...]


Sauron hade då inte förlorat förmågan att byta till en rättvis form. Därefter överlevde många av Saurons tjänare fortfarande när den enda ringen förlorades och tredje åldern började och dessa män blev kända som Haradrim, som fortsatte att göra krig mot Gondor.

Thus began the Third Age of the World, after the Eldest Days and the Black Years; and there was still hope in that time and the memory of mirth, and for long the White Tree of the Eldar flowered in the courts of the Kings of Men, for the seedling which he had saved Isildur planted in the citadel of Anor in memory of his brother, ere he departed from Gondor. The servants of Sauron were routed and dispersed, yet they were not wholly destroyed; and though many Men turned now from evil and became subject to the heirs of Elendil, yet many more remembered Sauron in their hearts and hated the kingdoms of the West.


Som efterkommande av de ursprungliga männen under Sauron hade dessa män komma ihåg vem eller vad Sauron var och varför de tjänade honom i första hand.

svaret ges 08.07.2017 05:27

Frodo och Sam, som var i universum, de främsta författarna till Ringenes Herre och Kongens Återkomst visste inte mycket om vad Saurons mänskliga servrar visste och vad de inte gjorde.

Nyckeltalet är den här kända från "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit":

It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men and he did not like it much. He was glad he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies and threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not rather have stayed there in peace.

Så det finns ingen fast bild i böckerna om vad som motiverade påsken och Haradrim, eller vad de verkligen visste om Sauron, eller mycket om vad de kom för att kämpa i Ringets krig.

svaret ges 08.07.2017 04:25