How var Zane övertygad om att ge sig en piercing?


Brandon har förklarat att Zane förvärvade sin Hemalurgic spike genom att piercing sig :

Zane spiked himself. It was…a very twisted and messy process. Note that Ruin tries to get Spook to do something similar. It’s much easier for him to work with someone to get them to spike themselves than it is to arrange the exact circumstances where someone gets spiked.

Hur kunde Ruin ha kommunicerat med Zane för att övertyga honom att spika sig själv? Det känns som en Catch-22. Ruin behöver spikarna att kommunicera, men han behöver kommunicera för att få spikarna.

uppsättning Adamant 15.09.2017 05:29

2 svar


Jag tror att den lilla mängden Ruin i varje människa gör att Ruin kan effektera dem om de är galen. Jag har inte kunnat hitta WOG på det här, men jag tror att det ligger i The Hero of Ages .

Vi ser tre separata konton av en instabil eller galen person som svarar på Ruin's prodings. Quellion, Zane och Vins mor. (All tonvikt min)

Quellion actually placed his spike himself, as I understand it. The man was never entirely stable. His fervor for following Kelsier and killing the nobility was enhanced by Ruin, but Quellion had already had the impulses. His passionate paranoia bordered on insanity at times, and Ruin was able to prod him into placing that crucial spike.

Quellion's spike was bronze, and he made it from one of the first Allomancers he captured. That spike made him a Seeker, which was one of the ways he was able to find and blackmail so many Allomancers during his time as king of Urteau.

The point, however, is that people with unstable personalities were more susceptible to Ruin's influence, even if they didn't have a spike in them. That, indeed, is likely how Zane got his spike.
The Hero of Ages - Chapter 70: Epigraph

She once asked Ruin why he had chosen her. The primary answer is simple. It had little to do with her personality, attitudes, or even skill with Allomancy.

She was simply the only child Ruin could find who was in a position to gain the right Hemalurgic spike—one that would grant her heightened power with bronze, which would then let her sense the location of the Well of Ascension. She had an insane mother, a sister who was a Seeker, and was—herself—Mistborn. That was precisely the combination Ruin needed.

There were other reasons, of course. But even Ruin didn't know them.
The Hero of Ages - Chapter 74: Epigraph

Och vi vet att den mentala styrkan hos personen tillåter dem att motstå Ruin, även om de har en spik i dem.

Each Hemalurgic spike driven through a person's body gave Ruin some small ability to influence them. This was mitigated, however, by the mental fortitude of the one being controlled.

In most cases—depending on the size of the spike and the length of time it had been worn—a single spike gave Ruin only minimal powers over a person. He could appear to them, and could warp their thoughts slightly, making them overlook certain oddities—for instance, their compulsion for keeping and wearing a simple earring.
The Hero of Ages - Chapter 75: Epigraph

Så jag tror att det är säkert att säga att när någon saknade "mental förmåga", förlorade de möjligheten att förhindra att den del av Ruin som används i deras skapande påverkar dem. Och så kunde Ruin prata med dem på grund av sin egen kraft, istället för att behöva öka den (som hur Hemalurgy argumenterar en Allomancer kraft tror jag) med en spik.

När det gäller förekomst av konservering och ruin hos människor.

Preservation's desire to create sentient life was what eventually broke the stalemate. In order to give mankind awareness and independent thought, Preservation knew that he would have to give up part of himself—his own soul—to dwell within mankind. This would leave him just a tiny bit weaker than his opposite, Ruin.

That tiny bit seemed inconsequential, compared with their total vast sums of power. However, over aeons, this tiny flaw would allow Ruin to overcome Preservation, thereby bringing an end to the world.

This, then, was their bargain. Preservation got mankind, the only creations that had more Preservation than Ruin in them, rather than a balance. Independent life that could think and feel. In exchange, Ruin was given a promise—and proof—that he could bring an end to all they had created together. It was the pact.

And Preservation eventually broke it.
The Hero of Ages - Chapter 54: Epigraph

Detta visar att livet hade en balans mellan både Bevarande och Ruin innan mänskligheten skapades.

Ruin bekräftade detta när han pratade med Vin.

Ruin shook its head, standing with hands clasped behind its back. "You still don't understand, I see. You're all on my side, Vin. I created you.


[Ruin] turned and began to walk quietly from one side of the cell toward the other. "You are a piece of me, you know.


"You couldn't create it yourself, could you?" Vin asked. "The world, life. You can't create, you can only destroy."

"He couldn't create either," Ruin said. "He could only preserve. Preservation is not creation."

"And so you worked together," Vin said.

"Both with a promise," Ruin said. "My promise was to work with him to create you—life that thinks, life that loves."
The Hero of Ages - Chapter 57

Medan jag inte skulle lägga den förbi Ruin för att vilseleda Vin, tror jag tillsammans med Harmons bekräftelse att det är ganska solid.

svaret ges 15.09.2017 17:02

Eftersom Epigraphs i Age of Ages beskriver Quellion sig själv på grund av att till Ruins inflytande. Ruin kräver inte spiken för att påverka människor, men gör för att prata med dem.

svaret ges 15.09.2017 14:34