80s Scifi Show med egyptiska ser flygrobotar [duplicera]


Kommer någon ihåg en 80-tal eller 90-talets TV-show med egyptiska ser flygrobotar i den? Det var på Super Channel i Storbritannien. Det var primitivt att se CGI i tidens datorspelstil?

Inte Star Gate:)

Kan inte komma ihåg vad det kallades?

Också det fanns en del guldreferenser i den ... Jag tror att det var ett guldstryk :)

uppsättning Arvo 22.05.2016 17:01

2 svar


Det här är Kaptenens kraft och framtida soldater , där några av de dåliga killar såg verkligen ut som egyptiska robotar. De kallades Bio-Dreads .

Jag kommer ihåg att titta på den på antingen Sky Channel eller Super Channel.

An"Egyptisk robot"

Bekräftad av queranten i en kommentar:

Thank you.. that's it :) Loved it and it was Super Channel.. —Arvo

svaret ges 22.05.2016 17:20

Är du säker på att det var från 80-talet, eller kan det vara Johnny Sokko och hans flygrobot ?

Från IMDb recensioner (betona min):

Watching a Egyptian mummy faced robot fighting monsters was a dream for me as well as for every other kid I knew. I remember how hard I cried when the giant robot lost his eyes and also during the episode where he was beaten badly, I envied Johnny so much. Today I know the special effects are much much better and there are a plethora of new sci- fi based programs but they cant even hold a torch to good ol' Johnny and his robot.


Obviously, the series is the American redubbing of the Japanese series Giant Robo (or Jianto Robo). The names have been changed, though the premise is largely intact. The alien Emperor Guillotine seeks to conquer the Earth, through his criminal organization of thugs and monsters; and, what an organization it is! The Gargoyle Gang consists of beatnick Che Guevara/Nazi soldiers (with stylish wraparound sunglasses), a silver headed alien lieutenant with shelf- like eyebrow ridges (Dr. Botanus); a buck toothed, giant foreheaded, one legged lieutenant (Fangar); a one eyed playing card obsessive (Harlequin), and a nutjob in golden knight's armor (Goldennock). meanwhile, their leader is a cross-eyed alien, with tentacles hanging from his head. This bunch of misfits, along with their various monsters and weaponry, seek to subjugate the planet, for whatever reason. Opposing them is Unicorn a security organization that thinks it's OK for a little boy (and, later, a little girl) to casually be exposed to danger and carry a gun. To be fair, the kid seems to be the only one with any sense in the organization. They also seem to adopt stereotypical dress in their subsidiaries around the globe (tyrolean hats, turbans, etc...). The group usually needs the Giant Robot to get them out of a jam, though they do occasionally rescue the kid, so he can call in the robot.

svaret ges 22.05.2016 17:26