Implicerat ja, förmodligen inte men okänt
När Tyrion går för att se Cersei att fynda för hennes hjälp, visar hennes handlingar att hon är gravid. Tyrion misstänker så mycket detta och frågar henne direkt och vi får inget svar. Notera dock bottenlinjen från citatet nedan, vilket tyder på att hon faktiskt är gravid. Men också notera "Tyrion ser vad han ser och vet vad det betyder." vilket också innebär att Cersei gör detta med avsikt så Tyrion kommer att tro att hon är gravid, dvs manipulerar hon honom?
TYRION: She knows herself. She chose an advisor who would check her worst impulses, instead of feeding them. That’s the difference between you.
CERSEI: I don’t care about checking my worst impulses. I don’t care about making the world a better place. Hang the world.
Cersei folds her hands across her stomach.
CERSEI: That thing you dragged here, I know what it is and I know what it means. And when it came at me, I didn’t think about the world. Not at all. As soon as it opened its mouth, the world disappeared for me, right down its black throat.
Tyrion notices the barely perceptible movement of Cersei’s bottom hand over her belly.
CERSEI: All I could think about was keeping those gnashing teeth away from those who mean the most to me. Away from my family.
Tyrion sees what he sees, and knows what it means. He can hardly believe it, but he knows it to be true.
CERSEI: Maybe Euron Greyjoy had the right idea: get on a boat, take those who matter--
TYRION: You’re pregnant.
She stays silent for too long, long enough to tell him that he’s right.
And once she knows he knows, she can think of nothing else to say.
Game of Thrones, Season 7 Episode 7, "The Dragon and the Wolf"
Hon gör då en slags scen med att berätta för Jon och Dany framför Tyrion att hon kommer marschera sina arméer norr för att hjälpa till i det stora kriget.
And then Cersei enters behind him, with Jaime, Qyburn, the Mountain and the Queensguard in tow. Varys reenters as well.
CERSEI: My armies will not stand down. I will not pull them back to the capital. (beat) I will march them north, to fight alongside you in the Great War. The darkness is coming for us all. We will face it together.
This is the last thing anyone expected to hear. Dany and Jon both look at Tyrion.
Tyrion meets their gaze with a subtle expression: Tyrion Lannister, motherfuckers.
Game of Thrones, Season 7 Episode 7, "The Dragon and the Wolf"
Men som vi upptäcker senare, tänker Cersei inte på att skicka hennes armé norrut alls och det är allt en knep. Det är mycket möjligt att graviditeten är fakad för att säkerställa att Tyrion tror på henne och att även försöka få honom att se dumt ut mot Dany. Vi vet att Cersei hatar Tyrion och att Tyrions planer har misslyckats alldeles för Dany och så skrider han på tunn is. Det är troligt att Cersei försöker få honom att se sämre ut.
CERSEI: What are you doing?
JAIME: Preparing the expedition north.
CERSEI: The expedition north. (beat) I always knew you were the stupidest Lannister.
Jaime opens his mouth but quickly closes it. Painful experience has taught him not to interrupt Cersei when she’s about to begin a rant.
CERSEI: The Starks and Targaryens have united against us-- and you want to fight alongside them? Are you a traitor or an idiot?
JAIME: You pledged our forces [to fight our common]--
CERSEI: (speaking over him) I will say whatever I need to say to insure the survival of our House. You expect me to trust the man who murdered our father? You expect me to command our troops to fight beside foreign scum? To fight for the Dragon Queen?
JAIME: You saw it with your own eyes. You saw a dead man trying to kill us.
CERSEI: And I saw it burn. If dragons can’t stop them, if Dothraki and Unsullied and Northmen can’t stop them, how will our army make a difference?
JAIME: This isn’t about noble houses. This is about the living and the dead--
CERSEI: And I intend to stay amongst the living! Let the Stark boy and his new queen defend the north. We stay here, where we’ve always been.
Game of Thrones, Season 7 Episode 7, "The Dragon and the Wolf"
Senare i samtalet nämner Cersei och Jaime det ännu kommande barnet i ett övergående ögonblick vilket innebär att han vet om det. Och ändå senare i slutet nämns det igen, men det verkar som ett sätt att Cersei fortfarande försöker manipulera Jaime att stanna. När han äntligen lämnar säger han "Jag tror inte på dig" . Nu i sammanhang verkar det här som att "jag tror inte att du kommer att döda mig" men jag tror att den också expanderar i större betydelse av "Jag har gett upp dina lögner och bedrägerier och tror inte du alls alls ". Vilket ytterligare innebär att han kanske inte tror på henne om barnet.
CERSEI: Disobeying your Queen’s command. Fighting with her enemies. What would you call it?
Jaime considers his response for a long beat, staring at his sister, his lover, his queen.
JAIME: It doesn’t matter what I’d call it.
He turns to go but finds that the Mountain stands directly in his way.
CERSEI: I told you no one walks away from me.
Jaime turns and looks at her again.
JAIME Are you going to order him to kill me?
Cersei stares at him.
JAIME: I’m the only one you have left. Our children are gone. Our father is gone. It’s just me and you now.
CERSEI: There’s one more yet to come.
Jaime nods.
JAIME: Give the order, then.
He watches her and waits.
The Mountain waits for a command from his queen.
She nods. The smallest possible nod.
The Mountain draws his sword.
Jaime knows there’s no point fighting. He knows he will be cut in half.
He stares at his sister for a long beat.
JAIME: (quiet) I don’t believe you.
After a long beat, Jaime turns and walks away, right past the Mountain and his drawn sword.
Cersei watches. She does not give the command.
Game of Thrones, Season 7 Episode 7, "The Dragon and the Wolf"
Det här är naturligtvis allt väldigt mycket spekulation för tillfället fram till förra säsongen, men jag tror att bevisen tyder på att hon inte är gravid om man tittar förbi Cerseis ord som inte är värt mycket värt.
Det är också värt att nämna att Cersei's profetia från Maggy nämner bara tre barn och hittills har det faktiskt varit riktigt korrekt.
MAGGY: Three questions you get. You won’t like the answers.
CERSEI: I’ve been promised to the prince. When will we marry?
MAGGY: You’ll never wed the prince. You’ll wed the king.
CERSEI: But I will be queen?
MAGGY: Oh yes, you’ll be queen. For a time. In comes another. Younger, more beautiful, to cast you down and take all you hold dear.
CERSEI: Will the king and I have children?
MAGGY: No. The king will have 20 children, and you will have 3.
CERSEI: That doesn’t make sense.
MAGGY: Gold will be their crowns. Gold their shrouds.
Game of Thrones, Season 5 Episode 1, "The Wars to Come"
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