När var djuren på ett rymdskepp som först nämnts i Sci Fi?


Vad var den första förekomsten av SciFi-arbete som nämnde ett jorddjur medvetet på ett rymdskepp?

  • Måste vara ett riktigt rymdskepp (ett fordon utformat på jorden, att resa från jorden till andra stjärnor / planeter, via SciFi betyder - det här utesluter saker som reser genom drömmar eller gudomspåverkan eller magi).

  • Djuret är ett vanligt jorddyr, som avsiktligt fördes på ett rymdskepp - som ett husdjur eller för kolonisering etc ...

  • Ett djur som följeslagare för mänskliga rymdresenärer - inte som en testap aa. Planet av aporna.

Dagens fråga togs med dig av Jonesy .

uppsättning DVK-on-Ahch-To 29.08.2016 12:49

2 svar


Vad sägs om den här, bara 146 år sedan?

Around the Moon (French: Autour de la Lune, 1870), Jules Verne's sequel to From the Earth to the Moon, is a science fiction novel which continues the trip to the moon which was only partially described in the previous novel. It was later combined with From the Earth to the Moon to create A Trip to the Moon and Around It. — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Around_the_Moon

EnillustrationfrånJulesVernesroman"Runt månen" ritad av Émile-Antoine Bayard och Alphonse de Neuville, 16 september 1872, med vänlighet WikiMedia

svaret ges 31.08.2016 00:25

I den första boken, Från jorden till månen , av Jules Verne, publicerad 1865

Det här är i grunden dwardios svar, men tekniskt var det hundar i ett rymdskepp i den första boken, 5 år tidigare.

I kapitel 23 diskuteras skeppsdesignen, där vi ser att Barbicane har för avsikt att ta två hundar med honom.

There now remained only the question of air; for allowing for the consumption of air by Barbicane, his two companions, and two dogs which he proposed taking with him, it was necessary to renew the air of the projectile.

I kapitel 25 ser vi en diskussion om att ta kor och sådant, vilket löser sig om att ta bara två hundar, liksom några frön att växa.

Ardan wished to convey a number of animals of different sorts, not indeed a pair of every known species, as he could not see the necessity of acclimatizing serpents, tigers, alligators, or any other noxious beasts in the moon. "Nevertheless," he said to Barbicane, "some valuable and useful beasts, bullocks, cows, horses, and donkeys, would bear the journey very well, and would also be very useful to us."

"I dare say, my dear Ardan," replied the president, "but our projectile-vehicle is no Noah's ark, from which it differs both in dimensions and object. Let us confine ourselves to possibilities."

After a prolonged discussion, it was agreed that the travelers should restrict themselves to a sporting-dog belonging to Nicholl, and to a large Newfoundland. Several packets of seeds were also included among the necessaries. Michel Ardan, indeed, was anxious to add some sacks full of earth to sow them in; as it was, he took a dozen shrubs carefully wrapped up in straw to plant in the moon.

I kapitel 26 och 27 ser vi att rymdskeppet faktiskt avgår.

Murchison followed with his eye the hand of his chronometer. It wanted scarce forty seconds to the moment of departure, but each second seemed to last an age! At the twentieth there was a general shudder, as it occurred to the minds of that vast assemblage that the bold travelers shut up within the projectile were also counting those terrible seconds. Some few cries here and there escaped the crowd.

"Thirty-five!— thirty-six!— thirty-seven!— thirty-eight!— thirty-nine!— forty! FIRE!!!"

Instantly Murchison pressed with his finger the key of the electric battery, restored the current of the fluid, and discharged the spark into the breech of the Columbiad.

An appalling unearthly report followed instantly, such as can be compared to nothing whatever known, not even to the roar of thunder, or the blast of volcanic explosions! No words can convey the slightest idea of the terrific sound! An immense spout of fire shot up from the bowels of the earth as from a crater. The earth heaved up, and with great difficulty some few spectators obtained a momentary glimpse of the projectile victoriously cleaving the air in the midst of the fiery vapors!

-Chapter Break-

At the moment when that pyramid of fire rose to a prodigious height into the air, the glare of flame lit up the whole of Florida; and for a moment day superseded night over a considerable extent of the country. This immense canopy of fire was perceived at a distance of one hundred miles out at sea, and more than one ship's captain entered in his log the appearance of this gigantic meteor.

I kapitel 28 har det bekräftats att rymdskeppet har uppnått månens omlopp.

That very night, the startling news so impatiently awaited, burst like a thunderbolt over the United States of the Union, and thence, darting across the ocean, ran through all the telegraphic wires of the globe. The projectile had been detected, thanks to the gigantic reflector of Long's Peak! Here is the note received by the director of the Observatory of Cambridge. It contains the scientific conclusion regarding this great experiment of the Gun Club.

LONG'S PEAK, December 12. To the Officers of the Observatory of Cambridge. The projectile discharged by the Columbiad at Stones Hill has been detected by Messrs. Belfast and J. T. Maston, 12th of December, at 8:47 P.M., the moon having entered her last quarter. This projectile has not arrived at its destination. It has passed by the side; but sufficiently near to be retained by the lunar attraction.

The rectilinear movement has thus become changed into a circular motion of extreme velocity, and it is now pursuing an elliptical orbit round the moon, of which it has become a true satellite.

Tekniskt ser vi aldrig hundarna sätta i kapseln innan lanseringen. Men efterföljarens första kapitel försäkrar oss att de var.

As ten o'clock struck, Michel Ardan, Barbicane, and Nicholl, took leave of the numerous friends they were leaving on the earth. The two dogs, destined to propagate the canine race on the lunar continents, were already shut up in the projectile.

Andra anteckningar

Rumsskeppet i fråga lanserades via en jättekanon. I modern rymdfläktsteori verkar detta ganska absurt. Men det var ett rimligt förslag på tiden och är inte så mycket annorlunda i konceptet från en raket som är fastspänd på din baksida.

Romskeppet drivs in i rymden, där det uppnår månens omlopp. Jag tycker att det är mycket sci-fi att kvalificera som ett svar på frågan.

svaret ges 30.09.2016 04:23