Vad är vätskan i Rorschachs mask?


Rorschachs mask består av två svarta och vita vätskor som anges i Wikia .

Rorschach's mask (which he refers to as his "face") consisted of a specialized fabric, one that was actually two layers of fabric with viscous black and white fluids trapped between them.

Vi vet också att masken inte reagerade på hans känslomässiga tillstånd .

Finns det någon in-univers-information om vad vätskorna faktiskt gjordes av?

uppsättning KyloRen 15.08.2016 10:06

1 svar


Det är bara två "viskösa vätskor". Ingen ytterligare vetenskaplig förklaring erbjuds i någon av de tegneserier (eller kompletterande material) om sammansättningen av materialet eller vätskan som berörs.

Rorschach is the replacement for The Question, and draws his name from the famous psychiatrist's blot-test. While he wears an assortment of street clothes rather than a costume, his entire body is encased in a thin, hollow membrane, semi-porous and incredibly thin. This contains two viscous liquids, one black and the other white. The liquids flow and change according to variations in pressure and body temperature, making the black and white blots run over his body in an ever-changing design. His face is a white blank marked only by a constantly altering Rorschach blot.

The black-and-white motif ties in with the character's very hard-edged moral philosophy, and is also used by the character himself as a metaphor for the ambiguity of life. Each man must read his own fate into the pictures conjured by the neutral Rorschach blot, and judge himself accordingly.

Watchmen: Absolute Edition

Watchmen # 06

Vaktmästare: Absolut utgåva

svaret ges 15.08.2016 16:25