Vad var de två killarnas relation i kostymerna?


I Snowpiercer fanns det två killar i kostymer (den i den blå kostym, och den i grå kostym, en var ung och en var gammal). I början låg den i den blå kostym på killen med den grå kostymans axel. Jag undrade bara om de var i ett förhållande?

uppsättning Juliano Roper 29.05.2015 04:44

1 svar


Denna intervju med filmens Costume Designer (Catherine George) indikerar de två tecknen; Franco den äldste och Franco den yngre var faktiskt bröder.

CoF: Was it your intention to make Franco the Elder and Franco the Younger (Vlad Ivanov and Adnan Haskovic?) look like the Guido brothers? I assume in his former life Franco the Elder was definitely an enforcer.

CG: Yes I imagine that he was some kind of enforcer or hit man. He certainly takes a long time to die. I had actually started looking at the images of assassins and brothers and looked at the Kray twins with their history of violence and their style. Director Bong really liked the idea of that violence and style coupled with love for his brother.

och från filmskriptet ( registrering krävs )

Suddenly, a spear flies in from out of nowhere and pierces Arabic Man’s chest. As he falls, another heavy spear flies through the air towards Curtis. At the last moment, Curtis deflects the spear with his axe blade.

Everyone turns and looks in the direction from which the spears came: the Franco Brothers.

svaret ges 24.04.2016 22:12