How var Amidalas mordförsök organiserat?


I början av Attack of the Clones kom Senator Padmé Amidalas grupp attachés på Coruscant i en diplomatisk kryssare av typen J-typ. Nästan så snart de landade på den triangulära plattformen, blev fartyget förstört i en explosion och dödade ett antal Naboo Security Force och Royal House of Naboo-medlemmar. Brottet var tydligen aldrig löst, varken av Coruscant-polisen eller Jedi-ordern.

Mace Windu: Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners, on the moons of Naboo.

Hur organiserades försöket på Amidalas liv? Hur planterades sprängämnena på pråmen? Och när; före avgång från Naboo, eller så sent som vid landningsplattformen? Eller var fartyget skott på (med en missil eller något); och i så fall varför det inte upptäcktes? Och hur och var var spice miners inramade som brottslingar?

Jag önskar bara att det var en historia om detta, även i Legends.

uppsättning Essen 07.03.2017 19:53

2 svar


Plot (och hur det planerades och genomfördes) togs upp i Official Star Wars Fact File # 101 . Kort sagt, det blev betalt av Dooku och subcontracted till Zam av Jango Fett. Hon använde sin formskiftande färdighet för att bestämma senatorns schema och (förmodligen) att få en liten bomb på plattformen som hon sedan detonerade visuellt .


Jango Fett was asked to take on a particular contract by the man who had given him the job with the Kaminoans - a man Jango knew as Tyranus. The job was to arrange the death of a high-profile politician who had crossed one of Tyranus' business contacts. The fee was considerable, and Jango was happy to farm the job out to Zam Wesell. It seemed a simple enough contract.

The target was a member of the Senate - an individual who spent much of her time in the public eye. This made her extremely vulnerable to a clever assassin. However, the target was a former Queen of Naboo, a friend to the Jedi and a close associate of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.

The Official Star Wars Fact File #101 - Zam Wesell



Zam picked her moment carefully. The target was due to return to Coruscant for a critical vote, and her landing would be fairly predictable. Zam used her shape-shifting abilities to discover where and when the target be returning. Senator Padme Amidala of Naboo would die.

Through her usual guile and cunning Wesell was able to plant a bomb in the landing platform or which her target would land. Observing from a high building almost a kilometre away, Zam picked her moment perfectly. The silvery ship bearing Amidala touched down flanked by several fighter craft. The Senator came down the landing ramp and, as her feet touched the platform, Wesell detonated her device. There were few survivors, and the news networks were flooded with stories and pictures of Zam's success.

The Official Star Wars Fact File #101 - Zam Wesell

Enligt gamla Star Wars databanken Zam kunde lära sig senatorens schema från Theomet Danlé, en av vakterna som till slut dog på skeppet. Hans (oavsiktliga) engagemang i mordet och mordstöd för Spice Miner-striden verkar vara det som ledde till anklagelserna mot Naboobian Spice Miners.

Unable to make a living with their trade [as Spice Miners], the Danlé family relied on Theomet's income, but it was not enough. Borderline poverty contributed to the death of Theomet's grandfather, which devastated the Danlés, and shook Theomet's loyalty and resolve. He questioned the policies of his monarch, and of the Senator who backed the Queen. One particularly bitter evening, Theomet turned to drink, and his venomous alcohol-fueled complaints in a crowded bar attracted the attention of Zam Wesell.

Disguised as a local journalist, Zam explained to Theomet that she planned to expose Padmé Amidala's hypocrisy to the public, but she needed access to the Royal Naboo Cruiser in order to plant a listening device. In a fit of bad judgment -- and perhaps beguiled by Zam's adopted form -- Theomet agreed. Little did he know he would be facilitating the planting an explosive charge that would destroy the cruiser and kill him in a fiery blast.

Star Wars Databank: Theomet Danlé

svaret ges 07.03.2017 20:23

Några av detta diskuteras i R.A. Salvatore novelization, där vi lär oss att Zam Wessel (mördaren Obi-Wan och Anakin jagar bort från Padmés lägenhet och vem dödas av Kaminoan Dart) planterade sprängämnen på landningsplattformen:

Zam could hardly believe that the explosive charge she had managed to hide on the landing platform had not done the job, but she had taken that lesson to heart, had come to understand that the weaknesses of Senator Amidala were not easily discerned and exploited.

Attack of the Clones - Official Novelization Chapter VIII

Vi får inte veta exakt hur hon klarar av att göra detta, men eftersom hon är en formskiftande Clawdite kan vi göra en utbildad gissning.

På samma sätt finns det ingen indikation på vilken kedja av bevis som ledde till att Jedi misstänker krydda gruvarbetare, förutom det uppenbara motivet. detaljerna i deras undersökning diskuteras aldrig.

svaret ges 07.03.2017 20:00