How är det här karaktären att kunna flyga ett rymdfarkoster i "The Force Awakens?"


Jag måste ha missat något, för

Rey is a scavenger who dismantles spacecraft, etc., and can drive a speeder/swoop.

Det är troligt att de aldrig ens har sett någon som driver ett rymdskepp. Ska vi tro att deras påstådda bakgrund är tillräcklig för att informera dem om hur dessa fungerar, till var de gör alla typer av snygga tricks inom två minuter efter deras första ögonblick bakom kontrollerna?

uppsättning paultamalunas 29.12.2015 21:24

3 svar


I kanonboken Före uppvakningen diskuteras att Rey hade tillgång till en flygsimulator, som hon tillbringade lite av sin tid på. Det nämns också att hon var mycket skicklig vid flygande rymdskepp i simulatorn.

svaret ges 29.12.2015 22:43

TL; DR: på grund av en sammanflöde av flera skäl

  • Hon flög många hantverk / skräp innan (hennes villkor), sedan födseln
  • Det var svårare att flyga Falcon än filmen fick det att se vid första anblicken. Hon gjorde många misstag
  • Hennes "fancy flying" var antingen en olycka, ELLER som flyger genom en nära bekant Star Destroyer
  • Hon studerade Falcon (och andra fartyg) i skymningen innan
  • Hon har styrkan
  • Visuell ordbok bekräftar # 1:

  • Hon är en skicklig pilot

    She has also become a skilled pilot (page 30)

  • Alan Dean Foster romaniseringen adresserar detta på flera sätt:

  • Hon flög många "craft" förut.

    Turning, Finn headed for the indicated area. “You ever fly this thing? Or anything like it?”
    As BB-8 looked on, she shouted back to him, “I’ve piloted all kinds of craft, but nobody’s flown this old crate in years!”

    och senare, efter att ha skakat på den andra TIE:

    “That was some piloting!”
    “Thanks.” She shrugged. “I’ve been flying every kind of junk you can imagine almost since I could walk.”

  • Det var svårare att flyga som det såg ut, innan hon höll på det

    Fully powered up now, it soared into the bright blue sky of Jakku—but not efficiently. Shedding tarps as it rose, it spun and careened wildly, nearly crashing back to the ground. Wrestling with the unfamiliar controls, Rey managed to level off just in time to crash into and through the town’s entry archway: Niima Outpost’s sole example of architectural pride.

    och senare

    Driving the ship surfaceward, she pulled up at the last possible moment and sent them screaming across the ground, clipping the crests of at least two dunes.

    och senare

    Just a little farther, she told herself as she clung grimly to the controls. Just keep them off a little longer. She was heading for her favorite scavenging spot: the ships’ graveyard. Let them try to follow her in there! She banked hard, low enough to cut a crease in the sand.


    Trailed by the surviving fighter, the ship slalomed through the colossal debris field. Sparks flew as she grazed towering metal walls and fallen station sections, but the hull of the borrowed craft held together. As he was banged around in the gunner’s seat, Finn tried to keep track of their remaining pursuer while peering out at a trash-paved surface that frequently came entirely too near to where he happened to be sitting.

    En del av " fancy piloting " ser du i början av filmen (fatrull när BB-8 vände upp och ner och behövde kablar) var en olycka

    Realizing it was impossible to reach the necessary instrumentation {{ she wanted shield controls on copilot's side }} while seated in full pilot’s position, Rey momentarily let go of the controls. She’d have to do this manually, she knew. Put any ship on autopilot and the vectoring would immediately be sensed by a pursuer, who could then lock on and blow you out of the sky. In contrast, there was just enough wild wobble in their flight path as she leaned to her right to confuse any electronic predictors. Her stretching, however, caused the ship to cant sharply as she tried to activate the shield instrumentation on the copilot’s side while maintaining some semblance of flight control.
    “Beebee-Ate, hold on!”
    Her warning came too late for the droid. Beeping madly, he rolled ceilingward as the ship spun.

  • Den väldigt farliga delen av flygningen (inuti Star Destroyer-skrovet) flydde hon inuti en struktur hon visste i hennes hjärta, intimt, från tidigare utforskningar (hon valde det med avsikt)

    Even a former crewmember would not have been as familiar with the corridors she chose. But she had not merely familiarized herself with them from a diagram: She knew them intimately, having inspected them individually and on foot or with climbing gear.

  • Senare när de möter Han, förklarar hon för honom att hon känner till det här skeppet väl, eftersom hon studerade det medan det var i Plutt's junkyard

    “Hey! Some moof-milker installed a compressor on the ignition line!”
    “Unkar Plutt did.” Rey saw Finn shoot her a look and she glanced away, abashed. “I’d spent some time poking around all the ships parked at the outpost. Mostly at night. It was a way to learn some things. I was careful, and nobody much cared anyway, since I never took anything or tried anything.” She brightened. “Made it a lot easier when we filched this one. Though it wasn’t my first choice.”

  • Till toppen är hon placerad som stark i Force.

    De två senaste starka i kraften Jedi wanabees var båda - till stor del på grund av Force förmågor, utvecklade instinktivt före Jedi träning - var stora piloter: Luke Skywlalker och Anakin Skywalker. Den första som blåste upp en Death Star när den första gången i rymdfighter den andra blåste upp ett handelsförbunds moderskap, när första gången i rymdfighter och 11 år gammal att starta.

  • svaret ges 29.12.2015 21:31

    Hon är

    Anakin's grand-daughter. She has his innate skills with respect to machines. She is a good at taking things apart and piloting them, just like her grandfather.

    svaret ges 30.12.2015 05:35