Force kasta försvar


I olika scener flyttar en Jedi eller en Sith stor & tunga föremål (som i Yoda vs Dooku-duellen i slutet av Attack of the Clones ) och kastar den mot motståndaren. Är inte tvärtom lättare - kasta motståndaren vid objektet? Håller en Force-användare sig på plats genom kraften för att motverka det?

På samma sätt går Yoda med våldet? Han var så gammal att han knappt kunde gå, men i strid utförde han sig bra mot alla (rullande, flipping, sned mycket snabbt och hoppade genom väggar).

uppsättning huseyin tugrul buyukisik 23.09.2013 16:07

1 svar


TL; DR: Ja, det är möjligt att kasta en kraftkänslig motståndare, men den kan motverkas av den motstående duellen.

Enligt wookiepedia-sidan på Telekinesis ,

Force Pull: A telekinetic ability using the Force that could cause a material body to draw close to the user. The greater the user's aptitude with this, the heavier the object that could be pulled or the more wide arc or radius of the Force "wave". It could be used to pull weapons from enemies, or, at higher levels of skill, the enemies themselves to be brought closer to a Jedi's lightsaber range. (emphasis mine)

Såvitt jag kan komma ihåg ser vi aldrig detta i filmerna, men vi ser Force Push i Yoda vs Sidious-striden, när Yoda trycker Sidious ut ur stolen.

Force Push: At more powerful levels, Force Push was the ability to create a telekinetic impulse via the Force, launching a concussive burst of pressurized air-not unlike the blast of an archaic 'pipe bomb'-that would impact a target with enough force to knock it over, launch it into the air, or even (particularly in the case of fragile materials such as ceramics) shatter it into pieces.

This power was an effective tool for keeping enemies at a distance. A well-aimed push could send a target crashing into a nearby wall or other obstruction, resulting in bludgeoning damage and possible disorientation or blackout. A Force push could also cause direct damage, by striking an enemy in the form of a telekinetic fist which had the power of a pile driver. This could injure or even kill enemies through the sheer power of the kinetic blast alone, rather than the damage caused by the collision of the target with a larger obstruction. (emphasis mine)

Det ska dock noteras att i filmen var Sidious klart överraskad av Yodas attack och det skulle inte alltid fungera på en utbildad Force-User.

A trained Force user could resist Force Push, presumably by generating an opposing pressure surge whose wavefront canceled out their opponent's attack. The opponent usually responded by ramping up the pressure to compensate for the increased resistance. From here it became a telekinetic arm-wrestling match, with a seemingly motionless facade belying each combatant's desperate struggle to overpower the other...A textbook example was provided by Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi when their duel progressed into the control room of the mining platform on Mustafar. The two had simultaneously used the ability while resisting each other's at the same time. Like magnets of the same pole, the combined force eventually hurled them violently to opposite sides of the room.

Dessutom använde Count Dooku en form av telekinesis mot Obi-Wan i duellen omedelbart före sin död:

MedhänvisningtilldinfrågaomYoda,sägerhans wookiepedia-sida :

Yoda walked with the aid of a cane later in life, although he was capable of throwing it aside and moving nimbly while using the Force.


Much of his lightsaber combat style relied on jumps and acrobatics, many of which were aided by the Force and augmented by his mastery of Force Valour.

svaret ges 23.09.2013 18:32