Into vilket hus var Rowling sorterat?


Jag har hört att JKR är både en Gryffindor och en Hufflepuff, så jag är inte säker på vad jag ska tro.

Har J. K. Rowling avslöjat huset som hon sorterades i och har hennes svar varit konsekvent ?

uppsättning RedCaio 28.04.2016 04:56

4 svar


Hon var en Hufflepuff pre-Pottermore (baserat på en fan-made quiz) och en Gryffindor genom Pottermore. Hon anser sig vara en Gryffindor.

År 2000, J.K. Rowling tog en slumpmässig fanatiserad sorteringsquiz som hon snubblade över och försökte förstå vad "internet" var. Hon fick Hufflepuff.

The Internet! Twice I've been on the internet. Friends of mine were telling me what's on there and I'd never gone looking before. First time, I thought I was never coming back, it's too scary. Some of the stuff that's out there is very weird. Second time I went in there someone had set up an unofficial fan site where you can be sorted, they have a Sorting Hat, and I was Hufflepuff. I wasn't that pleased! If anyone's meant to be Gryffindor, it's me.

Mzimba, Lizo. Transcript of interview with J.K. Rowling, BBC Newsround, Fall 2000

Eleven år senare gjorde hon sin egen quiz, så hon kunde få det hus hon ville ha.

Scholastic: We polled some of your fans and we asked them what question they most wanted you to answer. Close to 40,000 people voted and the question they selected with 40 percent of the vote: Which Pottermore House are you in?

J.K. Rowling: Well as I say, I know how it works. So I logged on, and I’m now on Pottermore as a regular user – that’s how I go check what’s going on – although I’m not going to give my user name. So I went through the Sorting, and I am a Gryffindor. But I had a moment as I clicked the answer to the last question – and bear in mind, I wrote the questions – I thought, “Hey, I’m not sure if I’ve answered to get Gryffindor.” I answered them completely honestly, and I knew that I’d answered a couple for different Houses so I thought, “I wonder how they’re going to work this out.” Yes, I am in Gryffindor.

Scholastic Harry Potter Reading Club webchat

svaret ges 16.06.2017 01:55

J.K. Rowling sorterades till Gryffindor. .

I logged on, I’m now on Pottermore as a regular user. That’s how I check what’s going on – even though I’m not going to give my username. I went through the sorting. I had a moment… I thought, ‘Hey, I’m not sure if I answered the questions, I answered honestly, to get me into Gryffindor.’ But yes, I am in Gryffindor.”

svaret ges 28.04.2016 05:07

Rowling avslöjar i en intervju från 1999 att hon inte är en trollkarl:

Am I a Muggle? Yes, I am definitely a Muggle.

A Muggle with abnormal amount - er - of knowledge about the wizarding world.

Hennes svar om att tro på magi bekräftar också att hon är en Muggle. Först i en annan intervju från 1999 :

[…] Did you believe in fairies and magic?

I don't believe in magic in the sense that I write about it, but I do believe that extraordinary things can happen in the world for which we don't yet have an explanation. […]

Då bekräftades i en intervju från 2003 :

I really don’t in magic the way that it appears in book. I could be slightly corny and say I do believe in other kinds of magic; the magic of the imagination for example, and love, but magic as in waving a wand - no. I’d love to believe in it but I’m afraid I can’t.

Således är J. K. Rowling inte tillåtet att gå till Hogwarts och kommer inte att sorteras till ett hus.

svaret ges 01.05.2016 18:43

2014 års brittiska upplagan av böckerna (som jag har) innehåller en "Harry Potter factfile" i slutet av Goblet of Fire . Den innehåller denna nugget.

Of all the Hogwarts houses, Joanne would want to be in Gryffindor. "That is not to say I would be there. I think there is a good bit of Hufflepuff in me."

svaret ges 28.04.2016 14:38