Timing sekvens av Smaugs död


Varför började filmen med Smaugs död i den slutliga Hobbit-filmen, Slaget vid de fem arméerna ? Varför avslutade detta inte under Smaugs ödemark ?

uppsättning PlainsWind 19.02.2015 03:07

2 svar


Enligt Peter Jackson ( källa ):

We did talk about it a lot. There was certainly a lot of discussion about it. It was just an opportunity. It was just a chance – it’s very rare that you get to do films back to back whether it’s two or three films and to be able to just end on a cliffhanger.

Och så var det ett avsiktligt val att avsluta den andra filmen på en cliffhanger.

svaret ges 19.02.2015 09:53

Peter Jackson och Philippa Boyens diskuterade detta i någon betydande längd i filmskaparens kommentar till Smaugs ödemarkering. Kort sagt, det var studietryck för att lämna filmen på en väsentlig klipphäst och genom att lösa drakplotten, du skulle förlora möjligheten att involvera Laketown-karaktärerna i den tredje filmen , utan att tillgripa flashbacks för att förklara vem de är och varför de flyr staden:

Jackson : There was debate about the ending, whether we should have a cliffhanger or not, I mean at the end of the day, there wasn't [chuckling] a hell of a lot of choice about it, really I mean, y'know, there was never any talk about destroying Laketown in this film, I mean I think, y'know there was a sense maybe that maybe it's a sort of, this, that Laketown, the destruction of Laketown was going to be the end of the film but in a way it's not, it just didn't feel right to us because it's not, I don't know, it just didn't feel like it belonged in this film for some strange...well we, this was never a decision that we even seriously considered, it was like, well you actually can't end this, with this by....

Phillippa Boyens: ...Resolving everything...

Jackson : Because as it is, you see, with the Dragon attack at the start of the third movie it also gives us the chance to push through some of the other storylines so even though something may happen to the dragon (spoiler alert) the, there was still a lot of other narrative that's motoring on at the same time.

svaret ges 19.02.2015 14:49