Do Ordinatus Siege Motorer återkommer i Horus Heresy


I boken Fallen Angel ger lion El Johnson Pertuarbo 3 Ordinatus Siege Motorer som berättar för honom att använda dem på Isstvan.

Har dessa återkommit ännu senare i serien, har vi sett Iron Warriors använda dem alls?

uppsättning Richard C 21.01.2019 17:21

1 svar


Det nämns igen kort i bok 20 "Primarchs" i början av novell "The Lion".

Lion El'Johnson verkar mycket mindre tillförlitlig än tidigare och det nämns:

Trust had been a scarce commodity for the Lion before Horus's betrayal and even then he had been taken for a fool. Perturabo had used his status as a brother to trick the Lion, taking control of the devastating war engines of Diamat under the guise of alliance, only to turn those weapons against the servants of the Emperor. The shame of being so manipulated gnawed at the Lion's conscience and he would never again accept the simple word of his brothers.

svaret ges 22.01.2019 05:24