Vår landade klonerna i striden om Geonosis?


I Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones ser vi kavalleriet (varning: TVTropes länk) anländer i form av klon armén ledd av Master Yoda. Men bara några scener senare som Dooku flyr ut i rymden ser vi bara Trade Federation-fartyg. Min fråga är då: Hur kom klonerna till striden på ytan?

uppsättning Brendan Hughes 15.10.2015 02:10

2 svar


Filmens originalskript innehåller några användbara uppgifter, inklusive flera scener som skrevs, men inte filmade.

Jag har markerat den relevanta delen:

YODA: Come on - hurry! Hurry!

The SURVIVING JEDI dash to the Gunships and scramble in. MACE WINDU hangs on tight as the Gunship, firing all its weapons, rises out of the arena up and over the topmost rim.


The massed lines of parked Federation Starships and the DROIDS surrounding the arena, are themselves surrounded by thousands of Republic Starships, disgorging TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CLONE TROOPERS. Beyond, more Republic Starships are landing and spewing out troops.


MACE WINDU stares at the incredible sight.

Så svaret är att de klon-trupper som anlände till arenan reste dit i gunships och de flesta trupper som landade, reste sig dit i Republic Starships , som du tydligt kan se i flera av bakgrundsscenerna

svaret ges 15.10.2015 03:29

Enligt officiell novellering , som hänvisas till på this Wikia-sida :

huge Republic assault ships penetrated the upper atmosphere and dropped a fleet of gunships, carrying thousands of clone troopers and dozens of AT-TEs as well as Jedi General Yoda, to the surface.

Ordet "gunships" är en länk till sidan på Transport över låga övergrepp :

The Low Altitude Assault Transport (LAAT), also known as the LAAT-series gunship nicknamed "Larties" by some clones, was a gunship series used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. The series was produced by Rothana Heavy Engineering.

Faktiskt citat från novelliseringen (stort tack till @DVK):

"Then I'm sorry, old friend," Count Dooku said, in a tone that didn't sound at all sorry. "You will have to be destroyed." He raised his hand and looked to his assembled army, prepared to give the signal. But then Padm, exhausted, dirty, and bloody, raised her head to the sky above and shouted, "Look!" All eyes turned up to see half a dozen gunships fast descending upon the arena, screaming down in a dusty cloud about the Jedi, clone troopers rushing out their open sides as they touched down. A hailstorm of laserfire blasted the new arrivals, but the gunships had their shields up, covering the deb arkation of their warriors.
Mace could hardly believe the incredible sight unfolding before him, as thousands of Republic ships rushed down on the assembled fleet of the Trade Federation, dropping tens of thousands of clone troopers to the surface of the planet. Behind him, Yoda continued to orchestrate the battle. "More battalions to the left," he instructed his signaler, who relayed it out to the field commanders. "Encircle them, we must, then divide."
-- R.A.Salvatore, "Attack of the Clones" novelization

svaret ges 15.10.2015 02:21