Klingon vetenskapskärl: strider mot okunnighet, förstörelse av kunskap


Jag hittade följande på TV-troper :

In one episode of DS9 we heard a snippet of a Klingon science vessel's log where the captain spoke of winning battles against ignorance, and bringing home vast spoils in the form of new knowledge.

Vet någon vilken episod det här hänvisar till? Science Vessel -sidan i Memory Alpha nämner inte Klingon science-fartyg, och Google är inte heller mycket hjälp.

uppsättning Peter 19.10.2015 21:42

1 svar


Såvitt jag vet är det bara en förekomst där loggen av ett Klingon-skepp rekonstrueras, i DS9: Dramatic Personae. På något sätt visas de ord som tillskrivs dem (om klingonforskarees vinnande strider mot okunnighet "eller avlägsnande" förstör "i form av kunskap) i något avsnitt av någon Trek-serie.

Det finns emellertid några skriptutdrag som kanske har blivit felkända av Tropes-sidens författare.

KIRA: The Klingon said "victory" before he died. I wonder what he meant.

DAX: According to the Klingon high command, the Toh'Kaht was in the gamma quadrant on a routine bio-survey mission...

O'BRIEN: "Victory"... during a bio-survey... ?

A beat as everyone considers this.

  • och möjligen detta tal från Enterprise: Domen

KOLOS: My father was a teacher. My mother, a biologist at the university. They encouraged me to take up the law. Now all young people want to do is take up weapons as soon as they can hold them. They're told there's honour in victory, any victory. What honour is there in a victory over a weaker opponent? Had Duras destroyed that ship he would have been lauded as a hero of the Empire for murdering helpless refugees. We were a great society not so long ago, when honour was earned through integrity and acts of true courage, not senseless bloodshed

svaret ges 26.10.2015 22:31