Does Illusion of Calm flytta med caster?


Om en dator kastar Illusion of Calm och flyttar sedan till en ny plats, flyttas den med datorn, eller håller illusionen på original torget?

uppsättning Nerevar 30.07.2014 17:18

2 svar


Enligt James Jacobs, Pathfinders kreativa regissör flyttar det med dig. Källa

The spell moves with you, but makes it look like you're simply sliding over the ground. It masks what you're really doing. It's not meant to trick folks into thinking you're not doing anything as much as it is meant to simply mask what you ARE doing. It masks any action, and therefore prevents folks from making attacks of opportunity; it's kind of a "poor man's invisibility" spell in a lot of ways. Foes are not flat-footed against your attacks.

The spell's pretty specific in what it does. Don't let the flavor of the spell's name or its in-game description trick you into thinking it does anything more than what it does—prevent attacks of opportunity when you cast a spell, make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, or move out of your first square during a move action.

svaret ges 30.07.2014 17:24

Eftersom stavningen har en rad Personliga, och skisserar att det förhindrar att man bara flyttar från första torget, måste bilden flytta med dig. Annars skulle du inte provocera från rutor av rörelse efter det första.

svaret ges 20.07.2017 06:28